Working on Eagle PCB 7.1.0

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I am working on eagle 7.1.0 for My First PCB using for PIC 16F72 and 872 same PIC with Internal EEPROM.
so, I need guidance for completing this work.
here is my schematic, The TIP122/127 will be used on another PCB that is not yet in hand only Motherboard that is PIC controller is to be designed...



  • Untitled.jpg
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What's your question?
Did you run ERC and what was the result?

After running ERC it is pointing error but i can't understand it.


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I wouldn't ignore the warnings either. They will bite painfully when you go to the Board. I have to leave this in about 1 hour. Please post your .sch file as a zip and I will take a look at it. I think many of the warnings result from you using a wire command instead of a net command.

Most important, remember that Eagle is a CAD program, not a drawing program. It is integrated with the PCB program. What YOU see on the screen may not be what Eagle CAD sees there.

i saw they are both 40 pin.

you have selected capacitor and resistor from dummy symbols

please open library, type resistor or capacitor. You will be taken to rcl .lbr
you can select r-eu for European symbol or r-us for the American symbol
after hat you select size as 207-10 for a quarter watt horizontal mount or any other to suite your need
Likewise for capacitor you may choose size capacitor with 5mm pitch as it suits the small value
best of times.
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what you don't have sir? the symbols?
they are very much there and i made the sch also


  • pic16f872 board1.rar
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if you want to make error and warning free artwork
you have to read and follow both the Manual and Tutorial guides provided by the the software provider.
they are there , right on the concerned folder. these things come of experience thro continuous use and skill developed thereby.
Perhaps chats like what we are doing can add little.
you had never been able to copy the warning or Error, and paste it on the forum for any one to study and comment..

all the best.
rather i put it revised, you did not ....
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Are you talking about this...
my words , might not be palatable at times. sorry.

i revise the sentence not offend

it should have meant as "you did not...."
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