Working with a 0-5VDC analog signal from an WB O2 sensor

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New Member
OK, here's what I have. I'm looking at using a Wide Band O2 sensor that has a 0-5 VDC output. 0V = 10 AFR, 5V=20 AFR Air Fuel Ratio. Voltage output goes from 0v=10 to 0.05V= 10.1, 0.1V= 10.2, 0.15V= 10.3, here's a link to the table to show the range.

What I want to do is use this signal to trigger an alarm when the AFR reaches a preseleted level, too lean. I want to be able to select the level with a digital display, but for now I'd be happy to use a potentiometer and a Fluke meter if I can to select the preset point. I guess what I want to do is be able to select when the 0-5V input rises above a preset point.
I'm a 50 year old "newbie" to working with electronics, so please bear with me, I'm still learning. I know what I want to do and have reasonable understanding of how componets work. I think what I need is some type of comparator with an way to adjust the input voltage preset point and use a mosfet to trigger the alarm. I'm open to ideas.
Using a voltage comparator would in fact be a good way to go about this. Give this a read to get a good understanding of how it would be done. Using a comparator with a pot to set a trigger threshold would be a good start. Read the link and see how the comparator can have an active output above or below a setpoint depending on how it is configured. Then if you have more questions just ask away.

Glad to see someone else is up early. I'm reading it now, I'll look at it more after I get off this afternoon, thanks.

Oh yeah, I am generally up at 4 AM and check my general forums before I go to work. Then every now and then at work as time allows I check the forums.

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