I don't know the requirments of the wirless alarm but I guess any general microcontrollers can be used.
Get something like a PIC or AVR whatever you choose. It comes down to personal choice. You would need to buy a programmer, something like a PICKIT2 for PIC's or an AVRdragon for avr.
Doh! I'd assumed that the oscilator circuit dictated the signal speed. Thinking about it the clock speed of the microcontroller doesn't mean the same thing as the frequency of the signals it can process.
I think I'll go back to my Arduino and see if I can analyse the signal in a better way (arduinoscope may not be fast enough but the arduino itself may be!)
When I have identified the signals and deduced I definitely cannot use an arduino to do my work I'll take a further look at the microcontrollers you suggest.
Doh! I'd assumed that the oscilator circuit dictated the signal speed. Thinking about it the clock speed of the microcontroller doesn't mean the same thing as the frequency of the signals it can process.
I think I'll go back to my Arduino and see if I can analyse the signal in a better way (arduinoscope may not be fast enough but the arduino itself may be!)
I would imagine it'll be fine, certainly the simple PICKit2 logic analyser would be well up to the task - it's likely to be a serial data train (probably Manchester coded) at a similar speed to 9600baud or (more likely) less.