Write data to LCD

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So when I write 2 characters to my LCD , the cursor stays at the same position , at position 1.

I also soldered RC0 and RC1 reversed .

As you can see in my code , I used the code from nigel and modified it a little bit to send my 2 char's(LCD_Cmd2). Once again I can't see my char's .

I can't see what I'm doing wrong.
View attachment NigelLCD.asm

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This is wrong, you were calling Command
    ; text
            movlw 31h
            call LCD_Char;;LCD_CMD2
            movlw 32h
            call LCD_Char;;LCD_CMD2
It works for me in Oshonsoft


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I get ' 12' on the LCD ,finally , well I also use that PIC18 Simulator IDE , but my LCD Module doesn't work . I think it has worked like 5 times . Thats all :s

I also want to thank you , Eric and Nigel , for the great support !
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