www.components-store.com is a fraud website!!!

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2PAC Mafia

Hi guys,

just to inform you this place is a fraud, I have lost 600€. At the beginning all good replying my questions by e-mail, after the payment they informed us we would receive the units on a date, but never received them. No more replies, phone number not giving signal, we tried to contact them by other e-mail addresses, but not luck. If this can help somebody would be good because our money is already lost.
It looks like the same people just keep changing the name & pulling the same stunts. I searched for the listed address, out of curiosity, and found these links mentioning at least three alternate names...

I'm sorry for your loss.

It is not outside the realm of possibility that the CCP has confiscated their inventory, shut them down or otherwise interfered with the smooth running of their business. It doesn't help you much, but there might be circumstances beyond their control. Authoritarian regimes are known to behave unpredictably. It seems Jack Ma has been forcibly separated from ANT Financial. I don't think that he had much choice in the matter.

It does make good business sense to avoid dealing with people who are known to behave unpredictably.
hello friend,
i suggest you to make a complaint to the supplier's bank you ever transferred money, and tell the truth to the bank, maybe the bank will freeze the money and return to you. my friend ever suffered this kind of fraud and used this way, finally succeeded. goooood luck to you!
I'm sorry for your loss.
sorry, i think you think too much, it has nothing to do with politics. this kind of fraud is very common in the commercial field. my friend ever suffered fraud when he dealed with an England company, he called the police and the local policeman told him there were over 2000 frauds happened in the same field last year.
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