Nope not really.... I think I've crossed some wires.... I was thinking of the Amicus18 arduino.
But my brain was saying Fubrino ??? The pinguino IDE looks and feels like the adruino but it is just C and not C++ Sorry for getting your hopes up..
When you look at the Amicus18 you will see what I mean..
Nope not really.... I think I've crossed some wires.... I was thinking of the Amicus18 arduino.
But my brain was saying Fubrino ??? The pinguino IDE looks and feels like the adruino but it is just C and not C++ Sorry for getting your hopes up..
When you look at the Amicus18 you will see what I mean..
Of course you can.... I have it on windows ( earlier version ), It used to run on all three... Even then you can use virtualbox and run linux mint or something.
Of course you can.... I have it on windows ( earlier version ), It used to run on all three... Even then you can use virtualbox and run linux mint or something.