xp won't let user accounts print or scan

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Well-Known Member
I have not been able to figure out why this is happening.

I have set it to share but still nothing and I refuse to allow them full access.

limited accounts only how do I make it print for them or do I set up a different computer to the printer ?


The trouble is that it is not a network computer. Just user accounts. The stupid xp doesn't know there is other people on the same freaking computer. What is so special about the rights to print is there some point to why it won't.

Like security issues.

I'll read some more of it but I'm not sure if this is it.

Thanks Mike.


Edit: Ah hate's microsoft.
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My pc recently had a warning that the administrator has disallowed access to drives and functions. I am the administrator and it disallowed me too.

In Google there are links to Microsoft problems and "Desktop Utility Programs" were listed as being involved with a new XP update. I deleted my Intel Desktop Utility program that shows the fan speeds and internal temperatures then I re-installed it .
The problem was fixed.

The funny part is that the printer will test a print page however, nothing from Wordperfect ?

ah. Maybe I need to install the program while her account is in admin then remove the rights. She should be able to print.

Thanks guru.

It's the program. Older versions won't run with xp.

Ok Ok can't blam microsoft. Or can I

It was a Microsoft XP update plus a desktop Utility program by somebody else that messed up many pc's.
So, then the other problem was users accounts not able to scan in a picture from my HP psc 1315 all in one ?

I found this work around.

Way # 1----Click on the following in this order:
1. Start menu
2. All Programs
3. Accessories
4. Paint
5. File Menu
6. From Scanner or Camera
7. Scan

This one I think is the xp crap.


Yep, guru xp xp xp xp. Garbage.
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KV, I think your Windows profile is corrupt.
Sorry mate, you'll have to format and reload windows.
Tough break.

Only kidding
I have no bloody idea why it would do that, neither will Microsoft.
KV, I think your Windows profile is corrupt.
Sorry mate, you'll have to format and reload windows.
Tough break.

Only kidding
I have no bloody idea why it would do that, neither will Microsoft.

Hey, haven't herd from you in while man I'm glad your still posting.

The above was the fix or work around on the HP printer (Windows) let's you use (paint) but not the freaking hp software go figure ?

As you can see the other was an antiquated outdated program. As soon as I used the Wordperfect 10 it had no problem.


Really good to hear from you.
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When an automatic Microsoft update installed XP Service Pack3 then my pc did not work properly and I couldn't System Restore.
The local Microsoft office up the street from me got Technical Support immediately and they helped me Restore from Safe Mode and download an SP3 stop-download-program. Many people have trouble with XP Service Pack3.

I'm pretty sure my first with all this had something to do with that download and probably my adobe software issue's were just the stupid Microsoft once again. I'll not know what else is affected until we actually use them.

built in obsolensense. If that don't work download some.

I went HP site and seen a few bug fixes downloaded them and it's back to scanning and printing for other user's.

I believe it was the magic SP3 that had something to do with it. Maybe they are in cahoots with other company's and said hey I'll be able to sell some more printers and software for you.

Let's just out date them.


Yes bro.

things have been hectic. I'm at work about 10-12 hours a day, travel approx. 1.5 hours per day between work and home, try to sleep about 7.5 hours per day. check the math, it does not leave a lot for in betweens. I'm lucky from time to time though, but have to spend time with the family also.
I came of early yesterday and today for a change, so there is a bit time spare.
good to chat to you guys again.

I agree.
XP SP3 is way to disastrous to take a chance on, too many people I know had major catastrophes after upgrading.
The only way to do so is to reload windows, and immediately after Win XP install to put on SP3, then drivers and the rest of your stuff.
Least risk of a disaster according to me.

That said, some people have been lucky with adding SP3 to their Os's.

It still beats the socks of Vista though, but we will not go there.
Worked fine for me...I installed it so long ago I don't even remember installing it until now. I wasn't even aware there was any problems with it unlike SP2.
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Exporer 8 beta watch out.

dknyugen you have had luck. But, when talking to the main rep through the Company that I work for. He said, the best cocktail mix to run some special software on was for Java 6 and update 12 build 6.01. ( TMS ) Tandberg Video Operation Control system would run properly on it.

Sp3 didn't have problems. On the contrary Explorer 8 beta I was running did. I still don't remember downloading the freaking thing. I'm just a follow orders kind of guy. So, when I get an update at work from Microsoft I don't question the authenticity. I do what I'm suppose to do.

On deletion of Explorer 8 beta and reverting to Explorer 7. I was able to get the components to load from the featured software we run in Video Operations.

Next but, I wasn't able to help and installation a pic kit 2 that one of my guy's received trying to load the software ( Saying he had problems.) I told him about problems and Sp3. So, I'll ask tomorrow whether they were connected to sp3 or not. He was however, able to load the Software after someone else helped in the install. Both are now aware of this problem and the controversy.

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Ah. I disabled my WIndows Security thing so I only get updates when I do them myself.
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