XR2206 Signal Generator

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New Member
I'm also planning to make a signal generator using XR2206 as a bench tool at home for simulation and breadboarding projects...

Is it possible to have:

a.) Amplitude is variable.
b.) Frequency is variable from maybe 100Hz to 2MHz
c.) It can generate sine wave and square wave, nevermind tha triangular wave.
d.) Can the square wave's duty cycle be also variable maybe from 10% to 90%
e.) how can i improve the sine wave to be more or less near perfect(minimal distortion) with the frequency range that i have.

I have see the actual circuit in action but dont have a circuit diagram to work with...

The circuit in the datasheet is quite simple and easy to implement but it needs some improvement.

Is there anyone has some circuit or ideas how to make this thing work, i really appreciate it. thanks in advance.
The data sheet states that the (typical) maximum frequency is 1MHz, so you can't expect 2.
**broken link removed**

The adjustments for sine purity are shown on the data sheet.

Amplitude is best varied with a potentiometer at the output.

For more versatility you will probably need an output amplifier.

This is something I put together https://www.davidbridgen.com/swpgen.htm It might be of interest to you.
MAX032 is a better choice. Work up to 20MHz, so about 2MHz the sinus is better. Anyway, the function gen. chips never give low distortion sinus.
Can't remember where I got this from, but it works ok. As I recall, the sine was good and the square needed a little work.
to dunkellmann: i hav checked the link above and i think its in german... cud help me with those information stated there?..... can it generate sine wave and square wave, and triangular wave... can it be inerfaced with a seven segment d
to dunkellmann: i hav checked the link above and i think its in german... cud help me with those information stated there?..... can it generate sine wave and square wave, and triangular wave... can it be inerfaced with a seven segment d

Have you seen the date on the original post, its 3 years old...
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to dunkellmann: i hav checked the link above and i think its in german...
Yes it is in German, and I dont think that Dunkellman is around here anymore, especially as he has only ever made one post.

cud help me with those information stated there?.....
Try googling for the datasheet (xr2206 datasheet) worked for me.

can it generate sine wave and square wave, and triangular wave...

can it be inerfaced with a seven segment d
It all depends what you want to do, but I think the quick answer is no.

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The XR2206 is obsolete and has not been made for years. Exar don't even say anything about it on their website anymore.
The Intersil ICL8038 and Maxim MAX038 function grnerator ICs are also not made anymore.
XR2206 can be had many places. I ordered five from Future Electronics a couple weeks ago. Jameco has them too.
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Some places are smart and stock up on old parts before they are gone.
A top-octave IC for a music synthesizer from the 70's is worth its weight in diamonds today and some places still have some.
Does anyone have the old Dage FG-2 function generator built around the XR2206?
If so does it produce a passable square/triangle wave between 500khz and 1mhz?
Mine doesn't - Dage used a 56pf timing capacitor for that band although the spec sheet sez 1000pf is minimum value.
I made a homemade function gen with the 2206 and it makes a nice waveform. Maybe your scope probe is the problem. Have you verified your test instrument to some standard?
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I haven't seen that circuit. However, the frequency of the output waveform is determined by C and a timing resistance from pin 7 to ground. One usually uses a pot and a fixed-value resistor connected in series; the value of this resistor determines the highest output frequency. If C=1000 pF, I'd use a resistor of 1kΩ and an 1kΩ pot, in order to get a waveform in the range of 500kHz - 1 MHz. Those values might be adjusted to take tolerances into account.
Another point is that the maximum frequency of the XR2206 is 1 MHz typically, but the guaranteed value is 500 kHz if I remember correctly.
Resurrecting an old topic here but I have just started trying to build a function generator with an XR2206 and found what looks to be a very old schematic online, gave it a go and have run into some trouble so would appreciate a little advice please (schematic attached)

Seems to work quite well with a slight problem, Q1, 2 and 3 are getting VERY hot with Q1 being the worst, so much so that I think even using a clip-on heatsink wouldnt work. I am powering it from a +/- 12V supply.

I've tried increasing the value of R11, 12 to 100R and this stops Q1 overheating however this has now moved the problem making Q2 and 3 worse.

Can anyone offer any suggestions as to what I could try?



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Double-check the pins on the transistors with the photo on the datasheets.
Remove C5.
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