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YASP: Yet Another Silly Project

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Active Member
I enjoy making silly projects. In fact, I am sometimes quite proud of making them and showing them off. I get an idea, make it a reality and it means little to me that it is silly - it is a kind of a freedom that one only experiences at the early and late bands of life.

I am sure that you have seen these, so-called, daily affirmations. Gems of wisdom that we must ponder with regularity to make us better people. So, in my late teens and early twenties, a few of us (and we are still friends) hit upon a number of "phrases" that stuck with us over the years. To be clear, these were not "affirmations" in any sense of the word. In fact, most were inappropriate, insensitive and obscene.

My idea was to capture these phrases and construct a "box" that would randomly play one when a button was pressed. It is a gift.

Here is what I came up with:
Broadway Wisdom Schematic.jpg

These DFPlayer boards are really pretty remarkable at a couple of bucks (bay clones). You record one or more (up to 255, I think) mp3 files on an sd card and then using a simple controller, you can play a selected file under program control. They even have an onboard amplifier that can drive a little 8 Ohm speaker with decent quality and volume. I chose an Arduino ProMini 5V clone as the controller.

The entire project is enclosed in an old speaker meant to connect to a PC.

The back side shows the trigger switch (one press will play one "phrase" at random. You can also see the power jack. I used one of the many old wall warts I have on hand. The ProMini has an onboard regulator using the "raw" pin and then, the Vcc pin drives the DFplayer.


The lower panel comes off to allow access to the controller and the SD card.


Thus, you can attach a USB to Serial board and reprogram it easily.

You can also easily remove the SD card and add / subtract and change phrases. I used Audacity to record and trim the mp3 files and I highly recommend that program.

The code is simple and was cobbled together from the existing demo code on the DFPlayer Wiki. All I really had to add was the "random" playing ability and a "random" seed on start up. The only real challenge was in getting the busy signal to work. I saw a number of software techniques to detect when a file was finished playing but I used the simpler hardware technique by reading the busy pin. For reasons I don't understand, I had to read it twice after a short delay. Again, I don't understand that but it works without fail with all the files that I tested, including ones with pauses in them.

  - Broatway -
  -An MP3 Player to provid serenity from the wisdom of the ages

  This software is offered strictly, as is, with no warrenties or guarantees.


#include "SoftwareSerial.h"
#include "DFRobotDFPlayerMini.h"

#define BUSYPIN 2   // connect DFPlayer Busy pin to Arduino GPIO 2
#define BUTTONPIN 3 // connect button pin to Arduino GPIO 3
#define nFILES 19   // total number of files on SD card
#define DefPlay 1   // default file to play on power up
//#define DEBUG     // comment out to suppress serial monitor output

SoftwareSerial SSerial(10, 11); // RX, TX

DFRobotDFPlayerMini MP3;

void printDetail(uint8_t type, int value);
void DFPbusy(void);    // wait for busy to go HIGH

void setup()
  pinMode(BUSYPIN, INPUT);    // Busy pin
  pinMode(BUTTONPIN, INPUT);  // Button pin (pressed is LOW)
#ifdef DEBUG

#ifdef DEBUG
  Serial.println("Initializing DFPlayer ...");

  if (!MP3.begin(SSerial)) {  //Use softwareSerial to communicate with mp3.
#ifdef DEBUG
    Serial.println("Unable to begin:");
    Serial.println("Check connection!");
    Serial.println("Check for SD card inserted");
    Serial.println("Check for good power supply");

  MP3.volume(30);  //Set volume value. From 0 to 30
  // seed prng
  int R1 = analogRead(3) & 0x7 ;
  delay (10) ;
  int R2 = (analogRead(3) & 0x7) << 3 ;
  delay (10) ;
  int R3 = (analogRead(3) & 0x7) << 6 ;
  delay (10) ;
  int R = R1 + R2 + R3 ;
  randomSeed(R);;  // this auto plays the first file on startup
#ifdef DEBUG
  Serial.println("Broatway Starting....");

void loop()
  // last two files played for re-draws
  // initialize these to the default file 
  static int lastfn = DefPlay;  // preserve through function calls
  static int lastfn2 = DefPlay; // "  "
  int fn;

  // don't really need this additional info once it is setup
  //  #ifdef DEBUG
  //  if (MP3.available()) {
  //    Serial.println();
  //    printDetail(MP3.readType(),; //Print the detail message from DFPlayer
  //    Serial.println();
  //  }
  //  #endif

  fn = random(1, nFILES + 1); // draw file number
  if ((fn == lastfn) || (fn == lastfn2)) { // re-draw if it is a repeat of either of the last two files played
    do {
#ifdef DEBUG
      Serial.print(" FN=");
      Serial.println(" Re-draw file number");
      fn = random(1, nFILES + 1);

    } while ((lastfn == fn) || (lastfn2 == fn));

  while (digitalRead(BUTTONPIN) == 1);    // wait for button press
#ifdef DEBUG
  Serial.print("Playing file #");
  // refresh the last two plays
  lastfn2 = lastfn;
  lastfn = fn;;
#ifdef DEBUG
  Serial.println("  finished");
  while (digitalRead(BUTTONPIN) == 0);    // wait for button release

void printDetail(uint8_t type, int value) { // we don't use this detailed report
  switch (type) {
    case TimeOut:
      Serial.println("Time Out!");
    case WrongStack:
      Serial.println("Stack Wrong!");
    case DFPlayerCardInserted:
      Serial.println("Card Inserted!");
    case DFPlayerCardRemoved:
      Serial.println("Card Removed!");
    case DFPlayerCardOnline:
      Serial.println("Card Online!");
    case DFPlayerUSBInserted:
      Serial.println("USB Inserted!");
    case DFPlayerUSBRemoved:
      Serial.println("USB Removed!");
    case DFPlayerPlayFinished:
      Serial.println("Play Finished!");
    case DFPlayerError:
      switch (value) {
        case Busy:
          Serial.println("Card not found");
        case Sleeping:
        case SerialWrongStack:
          Serial.println("Get Wrong Stack");
        case CheckSumNotMatch:
          Serial.println("Check Sum Not Match");
        case FileIndexOut:
          Serial.println("File Index Out of Bound");
        case FileMismatch:
          Serial.println("Cannot Find File");
        case Advertise:
          Serial.println("In Advertise");


void DFPbusy(void) {
  while (digitalRead(BUSYPIN) == 0); // wait until it is high (not playing)
  while (digitalRead(BUSYPIN) == 0); // Have to do a double here


That's it...another silly project.
Nothing silly about a project that works, and inspires others.

Anything that stimulates brain cells is good IMHO.

... and sharing is a great thing to do...

I find it interesting :)

Thank you for sharing
Nothing silly about a project that works, and inspires others.

No, nothing silly about it at all, a perfectly valid and interesting little project.

One of the interesting projects for the DF Player is a speaking clock, just record the numbers as separate mp3 files (one.mp3, two.mp3 etc.) and get a processor to read the time out - your own speaking clock! :D
One of the interesting projects for the DF Player is a speaking clock, just record the numbers as separate mp3 files (one.mp3, two.mp3 etc.) and get a processor to read the time out - your own speaking clock! :D

It is interesting to think about how difficult it was (as compared to now) to do a talking clock (probably using an SP0256) or a talking Magic 8-ball or a talking voltmeter or any of those kinds of projects that could be found in so many hobby electronics magazines in the 90s.

I have gone through an evolution, or at least, developed a repertoire, for adding music and other sounds (including talking) to electronic projects.

1. El cheapo greeting card recorders. They work and they are easy. Kind of cheap alternatives to the ISD type chips, now

2. **broken link removed**. They work well, but you need a programmer and you need to wade through a lot of cryptic documentation. I guess they have a more "user friendly" variety also, but I don't have one.

The next two require an SD card, but I have plenty of these from replacing older ones with higher density ones.

3. Simple MP3 board. These are nice because they can be used as a standalone player, without a controller. They can power up to play the files in sequence.

4. **broken link removed**. As described in the first post.

I'm sure there are others out there, but these are the ones I have familiarity with.
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