YAY it's finally raining

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Well-Known Member
Hiya guy's,
Well here we are at the end of april and before today we've had about 29mm of rain sofar this year and when I got home from work tonight the rain guage had 26mm and it looks like its going to rain all night so our previous record of 28mm is probably broken by now. Now to most of you blokes the rain just means ya getting wet but yesterday I had to fill the header tank and I only had about 2,000 gallons left in three 5,000 gallon tanks. They reckon its going to rain all week so hopefully we'll get enough to fill the tanks but untill it happens I'm a sceptic. Who would believe we're in the 21st century when I live just 2 kilometres out of the metro area and yet I dont have mains power, mains water, mobile phones don't work and my isdn connection is glorified dialup. O'well I'm just happy it's raining and this living away from suburbia is just the best.

Cheers Bryan
Glad to hear it's finally raining. We could do with you sending some of it up this way. Unless it rains soon Brisbane will run out of water! The dams are down to around 18% and expected to be dry by this time next year. For anyone curious, the dams here are huge and will feed the city for 5 years - the only problem is it hasn't rained for the last four.

How about adding an update to your projects thread. I'd like to know how the panels worked out and see some picks of the wind genny.

bryan1 said:
O'well I'm just happy it's raining and this living away from suburbia is just the best.

Glad for you, Bryan, and hope Pommie gets to share some of that water with you.

Pommie said:
How about adding an update to your projects thread. I'd like to know how the panels worked out and see some picks of the wind genny.


Allo Mike,
With work being so busy and the wife nagging about buiding the stone wall beside the house my projects have sort of taken a back step. Well not totally, I'm on overhauling my bridgeport mill with a new 2hp 3 phase motor and a 2hp VDF so hopefully I can run the mill of my 3kw sinewave inverter instead of needing to run the genset. Those 175 watt panels are still in the shed most times as I'm waiting for a sparkie mate to come around and help me workout the best way to hook those panels upto the house array as just putting them in parrallel with my existing pv will blow my mppt as it will be too high a voltage. On a sunny day I hook 2 of those panels up to topup the 24 2 volt 275a/h agms I've got hooked up as a backup battery array and usually about 5-6 hours will have them floating and the shunt regulator I made is working perfect with them. Now after all this rain stops the ground will be soft enough to dig the anchor holes for the genny as I tried digging them while it was dry and gaveup after 5 hours only got 1 hole dug.

Cheers Bryan
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