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Yet another PEST to deal with = BEARS

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Well-Known Member
After mass yesterday a good friend who has numerous bee hives has a pesky bear that is bothering several hives.
Sounds like a job for THE CRITTER RIDDER
Have a board with an amp using the older design with transistors (want to make some LOUD noise).
just need to install the Cds, PIR, and an enclosure along with a 6 cell C battery pack.
Thinking of maybe adding a triggered LED to the mix to indicate a triggered incident has occured. Be really cool to keep track of number of instances.
Have the LED flash indicating number of triggers that occurred.
Just hope the bear isn't named YOGI =\ smarter than your average bear.
Good luck with the bears. Bears don't scare easy, since they are usually the meanest critter in the forest (except, a drunken redneck with a gun, or a semi truck). They tend to be more curious, than fearful. If bee stings don't deter them, doubt loud noises will either. I heard many times as kid, that even an electric fence doesn't phase them. If you really want to see scary, let momma bear see you messing with a cub, you feel the earth shake (maybe it's just your legs...). Bears like the honey, because it's sweet, nutritious, and has some anti-bacterial qualities. They'll destroy anything to get at it. These are very strong and persistent animals, maybe not particularly smart, but they make up for it in other ways. About the only thing that works, is to trap and relocate. Don't believe in killing for convenience, least not for animals like this.
This is just a hopeful test. Hoping the annoying noise will scare the hell outta Yogi.
My friend has a kill permit from Fish and Game. He took a shot with a shot gun at 150 feet away.Not sure if he hit it as it showed no indication or blood trail.. Just started running away as soon as my friend shinned a spot light on the offending bear. Using really big buck shot. Says he was trial shooting at a target 50 feet away and the pattern was about the size of a beach ball(2ft dia)
Am using a proto-type board, unused PIR and other misc parts.
Hi MrDeb,

Is your circuit battery operated?
I would be quite interested in such a device because I enjoy camping in some wild places and sometimes some animal noises keeps me up. By experience when it is dark and half way through the night those really nasty big sounds made by what seam to be large animals often turns out to be chipmunks or raccoons (probably have something to do with imagination) but if I could have such a device running all night to scare everything away from my tent, I would sleep better.
Please post back your results with the bears.

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Here's what happened whan a bear smelled something he wanted in an airplane.
And the pilot managed to fix the damage with duct tape and fly the plane home.
I have seen that Email
pretty amazing that the pilot could get the plane to fly.
But one thing I don't have to worry about-GRIZZLY BEARS
Thats what tore up that plane.
Got my circuit rewired but can't get the PIR to settle down. Keeps re-triggering. Wonder if I need more voltage on the PIR. Presently using 5v for supply.
Need to relocate the data sheet.
Oh yea I have the PIR covered and blocked from light.
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