Your fastest ACTUAL download speed (screenshot req.)

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I just got 1.1MB/s downloading debian. What is your fastest actual internet speed (screenshot for proof).


  • 11mbps.JPG
    38.1 KB · Views: 467
This one shocks and amazes every body.
I have a homemade wireless link that covers over a half mile with trees in the way then runs through a home made 90 degree wireless repeater station mounted on top of an old windmill tower before going through a router in my brothers garage to a server in my brothers house and then onto the actual land line.

The number is 1321 kbs download with 9 kbs upload.

Homemade rules some days!

I can hit 85+ Mbs going computer to computer on the wireless link from his computer to mine too!


  • DCP01283.JPG
    204.8 KB · Views: 417
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1.45 Mbit's a second. Or about 180kb down. Don't need a screen capture for that. It never 'slows me down' typical net site bandwidth throttling occurs at 20-40kB a second. Bet I'm paying less than you a month =)
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Im trying to get our family on 60mbps, its only about 20$ more than what we are paying right now.
Why? Most of the Internet is throughput capped anyways. Unless you're downloading a large number of movies or software <cough illegal cough> There's really no point. I have not found one single website that I can't access because my bandwidth is only 1MbitS =) I just recently downgraded from the 12 meg I used to get to the 1meg because of it.

So seriously, what are you going to do on the up and up that requires or can even take modest advantage of 60mbits?
Illegal downloading is a law that was put in place by the rich greedy bastards that think they own everything.

Not one person I know would actually ever vote for a law that limited them and thusly cost them money for personal entertainment.
Would you vote for a law that then made you have to pay for something that you could get for free?

My standing is that if the rule was not made or voted on by me and is intended to limit my live in what I find to be a negative way I dont necessarily need to follow it. I make my own rules and follow them.

Someone else made that rule, so why cant I make may own counter rule?
If down loading is so bad why are you on a forum site? We are all just sharing ideas and designs that could be worth money and then thusly regulated if some greedy ******* found it justifiable and personally profitable?
Who said downloading was bad? But know your needs.
I get 1.5 or so mbits per second, that's 180kB a second or so 1.5 gig a day or so, tell me really, who needs more than that? Krum's looking at his bandwidth as bragging rights, not at what he practically needs. Pointless.

If you think you actually need the theoretical possibility of downloading 60 GIG a day, you need to get out more =)

I could still use the forums here with a modem, all you have to do is turn the image download option in your browser off. Those greedy bastards are collecting 20 dollars a month extra from people like Krum, who want more, because they don't want to wait.
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No argument there! I have several hundred gig of music and movies that took me a few years to collect. Some are downloads some are copied from friends.
All are triple backed up too!
Thats too much time wasted to have it all disappear on a single hard drive crash.
I learned that years ago when I lost a few gig of pictures and tech files that were unrecoverable.

But under normal Internet connection conditions I rarely get over 700 Kbs downloading anything.
Average it over a month, you'd be surprised how little you use, which is why companies try to sell the big bandwidth packages, cause they know on average over a given month you'll still be using the same amount as anyone else. This however breaks down on the 1% that will actually flood networks with massive downloads if they can get it.

So are you saying that you think it is okay to pirate music and video's ? Don't you think the author/writer/creator is entitled to profit from their creation which others enjoy?

When creative talent like song writing no longer becomes profitable, these forms of media will soon disappear.

I think pirate software, video and music is likened to shoplifting, and if you condone this then I question your moral compass.

If I have misunderstood your meaning, then I apologize for my assumption.

You forgot producer/publisher and the rest who get 90% of the profits from the list (Actually, how much is it? I was under the impression it was less than 10%).

My bandwidth is enough for me. BUt I'd like it to be higher (obviously) just because I don't like leaving my PC on overnight.
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I agree.

My download is now 2.87. I did not feel a speed increase when they moved me from DSL to cable modem. The only thing that really happened was a fee increase.

Save the $'s krumlink.
You forgot producer/publisher and the rest who get 90% of the profits from the list (Actually, how much is it? I was under the impression it was less than 10%).

So, what is your point?
Are you implying that since the producers/publishers get the biggest take, that this justifies stealing proprietary material as in illegal downloads?

Considering that the publisher is in essence the stake horse (Fronts the initial cost), don't ya think they should gain the most. More risk more profit. When an artist makes a big name for himself or herself, then they have more bargain power as the risk to the producer lessens. Many artist also act as the producer.

Your sort of thinking seems to be the prevailing attitude amongst today's thinking, and this bothers me as one can now justify stealing.

This world has lost a conscience.
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This world has lost a conscience.

True. But look at all the stuff we get for free!
If there was no market for the ability to share and down load there would not be anyone doing it! Simple Supply and demand.
Someone found a way to supply their personal resources for free to the world and I demand I get to use it!

My morals are mine and mine alone. If I can sleep at night with a clear conscience relating to my daily actions I am happy.

I have many great ideas and things that could make me some money too but I would rather just give it away to make the world a better place.
I have no intention of making someone else rich directly from my work. I did it, I get the profits. If I cant profit from it then no one else does either! If I dont get a profit then everyone gets it for free!

When I crack the problem of a true free energy device, that does actually work, I guarantee I will put it on the Internet in every way I can to make dam sure its public domain material!
Including the full references to where I get my unobtainium bushings and room temperature superconductive play-doe!

I may have my moral failings but I have my up sides too! I personally think the GTI work and have done and passed onto this forum for public domain use was a dam nice gift to the world!

Not every one will use it, understand it, or agree with it but its changing peoples views on how simple it can be done and I am seeing private web sites popping up now with design concepts of there own. And a few even make reference this forum! There is a link to someones site on the GTI threads today!

How sweet is this!
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I do a lot of gaming that needs higher than usual bandwidth, not to mention downloading. Not pointless.
He does have a point! When my brother does his on line gaming parties every few months he has to shut my wireless link down so his high speed DSL line has maximum bandwidth available and he says its still a noticeable limit.

DSL is not in my spell check either!
I have bellsuck's "extreme" DSL package (static IP with 6Mb down)... I can tell recently that they've oversubscribed their network, evenings have been notably slower in response time. Really think about dropping my static IP anyway, don't game and just makes me a easier target for attacks. My firewall logs are nuts, thinking about blocking all of Asia. I will try and get a screen shot from work. We have a couple of DS3's and early morning downloads are insane, especially before people start using the IP based phones.
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