Your thoughts. Should Micro$oft buy Yahoo?

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43617373 said:
Microsoft should spend the money on making a properly working OS, something bult from the ground up not another mashed about version of the previous OS with a shiny UI.

How to put this?? When the managers and engineers first spec'd vista I am quite sure that it was much more, and much better, then the bucket of eye candy they delivered.

Its not like the programmers at MS are a bunch of losers. Do you have any concept of why vista is what it is?
3v0 said:
Do you have any concept of why vista is what it is?

Because they are trying to keep up with Apple/Linux. There is also a market for new an innovate things. Vista is... ummm.... well.... at least it is eye candy...
Marks256 said:
Because they are trying to keep up with Apple/Linux. There is also a market for new an innovate things. Vista is... ummm.... well.... at least it is eye candy...

Not exactly.

In general: In the software industry the best way to get a raise is to move to another project or company. If a person keeps the same position for more then two years people start asking what is wrong with them.

A project like Vista is a multi year effort. If you have a nearly 100% turnover every two years the project get in big trouble because after two years nobody how it works!

When that happens the project is declared a flop and it is either dumped or restarted. If the info I have is right Vista was restarted more then once.
But if they documented the code well enough it wouldn't be a problem.

Also, I've heard that MS pay quite well so I'd imagine that once you get a job there you stay put.
I think I am ready for Google OS before Vista. Too bad they don't have one.

Wish IBM would bring OS/2 back. That was lean and worked pretty well.

Things just keep getting bigger and slower with M$ OS. And now, no DVD no software, all the new MS software I am receiving are on DVD.
Google are the only company with enough power to make an operating system to rival Windows in popularity and even then it'd be a struggle.
Hero999 said:
But if they documented the code well enough it wouldn't be a problem.

Also, I've heard that MS pay quite well so I'd imagine that once you get a job there you stay put.

Documentation takes time, it is the first thing to go when schedules get tight. In the do more with less climate schedules are always tight to start with and get worse.

As I said in my previous post staying put does not lead to advancement and better pay. People move from project to project even if they do not change employers.
well they have a search engine I think (never used it) I think basically they want to take out the 2nd biggest to try and compete with the 1st (google) and from my limited of micro$oft nothing it makes or is vaguely involved with is any good (including the war in Iraq Oh yes their in it too)
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