Your ugliest/largest/messiest/coolest Point to Point Board

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What is your ugliest/largest/messiest/coolest point to point board you have ever done? For me, it would have to be Roger's MCU board which is small and compact, and for ugly/cool it would be my binary clock with lots of wire (ran out of red wire half way through, so its red green black).

Pictures later.
Perf board with copper landings. Point to Point wiring. The copper landings are there just to give you something to solder to. Sometimes they use bus strips to give you more than one perf to wire things to.
Ahh. To be honest I cannot recall ever seeing something like that in any Electronic store here in South Africa. Veroboard and development breadboards are common, but not these "Point to Point" boards.
Now this was one ugly project. I made this tube amp on a piece of maple. I used heavy gauge copper wire as the ground. I epoxied the ground to the wood and used it as the support base.

I lost the schematic for the circuit, but the plate voltage ran at 12 vdc. Oddly enough it did work.


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