Youtube is p*ss*ng me off.

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Yes! I'd thought it was just because I'm always wireless when I'm at home (and some problem attributed to that), or because I was trying to view large-file videos. But now that you mention it, I have noticed a depreciation in service the last couple days or so, and I don't think it's a fault at my end.

I just posted another video to my page... let's see how long that takes to process.
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I have seen the same problem. A given video seems to hang in the same place each time I try to view it.
After over a day of waiting, I got this message about my video at Youtube:
Failed (unable to convert video file)
Can anybody tell me why? It's only a 15MB, low-res video about 6 minutes long. I made it with my Logitech webcam, and the file says its avi with pcm audio. It loads fine in Windows Media Player.
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