zener diode

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New Member
Hi everyone,

I studied how zener diodes work and tried to understand it. Partially, I learnt when its states change. However, in a circuit I can't find current and voltage of the components when a zener diode is included. Can anyone show me a way to solve these questions,a strategy or something?

I attached a circuit diagram to illustrate what I said. If you expailn by using this one or some other circuits, It will be much better.

Thank you.


  • zener circuit.JPG
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The output voltage would be 10V as the voltage provided by the potential divider is > the breakdown of the zener.

I'll give you two out of three of the current values and you should be able to figure out how I calculated them and easilly get the third.

I1 = 10mA.
I2 = 3.33mA.
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