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what's the main purpose of connecting two zeners facing each other?


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It's for over voltage transient suppression.

The breakdown voltage is equal to the Vf plus the reverse breakdown voltage.

You can buy transient suppressors which are just two zeners connected back-to-back. The advantage is that it can be used for AC.
The usual application for this is for use in ac circuits to clamp an ac voltage equally on both positive and negative halves of each cycle.
bipolarity clamp ±(Vz + Vd)
It is also used across the capacitor in OPAMP integrator circuit to clamp the output to a know level and stop the OPAMP driving itself into saturation (and thus cause issue and delays if/when it is winding out of saturation)
This back-back connection can also be used to clip the sinusoidal signal depending upon i/p and Vz of diode.This can be extended further to generate square wave.
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