ZIP Files

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I can't open ZIP files from this site. I can from others. I have tried downloading other Zippers with the same results. I have the same problem with both computers. My virus software is Kaspersky (It is the only thing I can think of that they have in common other than the router)
Any ideas???


  • zip.PNG
    107.9 KB · Views: 368
Save the file to your HDD, and try opening it from there.

I can't open ZIP files from anywhere on my computer at work, unless I save them first - and I've been unable to cure it

Thanks, same problem. Here is one from a friend that I can open normally but after I attach it to a post I cannot open it. Can you?


    631.6 KB · Views: 361
Thanks, same problem. Here is one from a friend that I can open normally but after I attach it to a post I cannot open it. Can you?
hi Ron,
I can open it.


  • AAesp02.gif
    20.6 KB · Views: 392
Isn't that strange? I know more than I did before. I just don't know what I know.
I'll play some more.
Isn't that strange? I know more than I did before. I just don't know what I know.
I'll play some more.

hi Ron,
Trying to post attachments is getting a chore on this site.

timers_lib.txt is timers.lib
TLC556.txt is TLC556.asy


  • timers_lib.txt
    3.2 KB · Views: 390
  • tlc555_556_test.asc
    9.1 KB · Views: 388
  • TLC556.txt
    1.3 KB · Views: 395
It's probably something in my virus protection, but I have added this site to my "most trusted". It's strange that I can get them from other sites.

Thanks for the regular files.
Thanks, same problem. Here is one from a friend that I can open normally but after I attach it to a post I cannot open it. Can you?

I can't open here at home? - strange, I've had no problems before.

I've also tried downloading it, it still won't read.
I've just tried downloading the program Eric used, and that won't read it either, it just shows one full size file call Snow1 - all other ZIP files work fine.
Strange Erics picture looks like mine and he can open it. It may just be my karma.
Eric, Could I trouble you for an installation instruction for your files. My method doesn't seem to work.
I just downloaded that and opted to open rather than save, it worked perfect..........

Cheers Bryan
So, since I can open it before I attach it but can't after I attach it, it must be something on my end that doesn't like to get it back from E-Tech?
It's been like this for a while. See . For some reason the forum adds bytes to the file!! It's very annoying.

I'll try the 7zip.

Thanks I'll quit changing things before I get in more trouble!
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