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Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.


  1. F

    Problem with LTspice: Time stop too small

    Hi, I'm trying to create a variable resistor dependign from the value of current. Please find attached the .asc file. It doesn't work, when I run the simulation the following messages is presented: Analysis: Time step too small; initial timepoint: trouble with node "n002". Do you know how...
  2. D

    Problem with Electric and LTSpice

    I am completely new to this and am confused about a lot of things the way my professor wants us to set-up the stuff. Anyways, following the steps to the best of my ability, I ended up at this point here: A SCHEMATIC OF AN INVERTER. I did a DRC run and there were no errors with my schematic. The...
  3. L

    LTspice, in SMPS, how can I plot a parameter averaged in each switching period?

    Hello everyone, I have a question about LTspice for power electronics. how can I plot a parameter along the full simulation time, but it is averaged for each switching period? That is to say, Can I see this averaged value changes along the time? I know the .meas command can integrate between the...
  4. electrolives

    LTSpice Current vs Voltage Graph

    How can i get current across voltage graph on LTSpice?
  5. electrolives

    LTSpice Including .txt files

    I'am trying to include BC237 diode from BC237.txt on LTSpice, but i have a trouble. I put the BC237.txt on the same directory that i am currently working. But it is not working. Can anyone help me?
  6. electrolives

    LTSpice error: "DC Sweep: Source 'Vcc' was not found."

    Is there anyone can help me about that how can I put Vcc on the simulation? Thanks
  7. electrolives

    LTSpice AC Signal 30sin(2pi50t)

    How can i put the Vi's values on LTSpice? 30sin(2pi50t)
  8. E

    sumulating a real life linear component using its response function

    I have a complicated but linear component(its a coil with a certain shape of metal inside it) that I need to simulate with extreme accuracy. I can measure it's impedance and I would like to create an LTSpice component with that exact impedance so the simulation can be exact. is that possible? I...
  9. J

    UC3846: Simulation in LTSPICE is not operating as expected

    Good afternoon, As the thread title suggests, I am having trouble simulating the UC3846 model in LTSPICE. I have gone through the process of creating the chip and adding it to the simulation space, but when configured in a similar way to the "Typical Application Diagram" from the data sheet it...
  10. mading2018

    Power dissipation from simulation circuits in LTspice?

    I starting a new thread now. I know how to get the power dissipation, taken the average value of the instaneous power with the thermometer probe over a component. But how come that the losses shows different each time? If I compare the circuit of an interleaved PFC and a boost PFC, where the...
  11. mading2018

    Half-bridge DC/DC converter?

    Hello, I have designed a half-bridge DC/DC converter, but I am not not sure if this works properly. I asking cause the transformer is designed to give 380 V output (where the ratio is 7:14), but I only obtain around 277 V in the output of the converter.
  12. O

    Help with Ltspice - .Meas command

    Hello All, I need to find the absolute maximum peak value (not peak to peak) . It can be negative or positive. Now I am using the command .meas var tran max v(var) The command is working good but only for the positive side. I can use the min function but it will give me only the negative...
  13. mading2018

    Increase efficiency

    Do anyone have any suggestion how I can increase the efficiency for the LT1248 in LTspice? I have tried to change many parameters (the red circles) in the circuit according to the Data sheet, but it seems that nothing helps.. I always obtain the same output, about 500 W. --edit-- Is it possible...
  14. mading2018

    THD in LTspice?

    Do anyone know how to check the THD (fft) in a easy way in LTspice? When I press the FFT-button, I got this window popping up. What should I select there? Maybe an alternative is to do this instead: I found somewhere that you need to write a SPICE directive like this: ".fourier {Freq}...
  15. mading2018

    Measure temperature and power losses?

    I know that it is possible to measure the power dissipation in LTspice according to this source: "To measure the wattage dissipation of a component , place the cursor on the components and press and hold down the ALT key, a thermometer cursor should appear. Read the Watts on the bottom screen...
  16. mading2018

    Change the frequency in LT1249?

    Hello, What I understand it is possible to change the frequency externally by changing the components parameters, but I am not sure what to do to adjust the frequency. Can maybe someone show me how it will be implemented in the demo circuit? According to the data sheet, it says that "The...
  17. mading2018

    DC/DC converter - change the output current?

    I think the output current I get from the DC/DC converter is way too low, it should be at least 6-8 A, not in mA that I got. I think the resistor that I have in the end of the converter is needed in order to obtain 400 V. Do anyone have any suggestion what could be the problem? I found a...

    Design simulation for PMSM

    Hi there, I need a suggestion how could I proceed, in Matlab simulink or Ltspice, , mathematically I have managed all factors and formulas, In a permanent magnet synchronous motor where inductances vary as a function of rotor angle, the 2 phase (d-q) equivalent circuit model is commonly used...
  19. E

    Regenerative receiver simulation

    Hello everyone. I'm trying to simulate a classic regenerative receiver under LTSpice. I'm not sure if I'm doing things correctly. I'd appreciate if anyone could correct me if I'm wrong, or suggets better ways of doing it. I modeled the antenna as a voltage source. Of course it is NOT real. I...
  20. mading2018

    Lithium battery for a PHEV?

    Hello, I trying to find a equivalent battery model for a PHEV (plug-in-electric vehicle) and simulate the charing process in LTspice. I want the battery to have SOC=0, an empty battery from the begining, and starts to charge between the charging range of 320-380 V. I know the battery should...
  21. DGM

    Details of the simulated dissipation constant in thermistor spice model

    I'm working on a project involving the simulation of NTC thermistors both in LTSpice and my own optimization scripts in Matlab. In the process of debugging, I noticed that LTSpice was producing unexpected behavior for a circuit I'd put together. The circuit in question is a thermal anemometer...
  22. A

    MC Gaussian distribution for inverter threshold voltage

    I need to overlap the MC gaussian distribution for threshold voltage generated using MATLAB and LTspice..If i use the same mean value(i.e 0.3558) and sigma value(3*sigma=10% i.e sigma=0.0333) for both my simulations then MATLAB distribution is much more wider than LTspice distribution..On the...
  23. A

    LTSpice and the beginner

    Hi there, I am Talgat. I am doing some revision work with LTSpice. I wanted to ask experienced members, how to "draw DC transfer characteristics of an AC sinusoidal current source with an amplitude of 1V and 50Hz".
  24. allaccess

    LTSpice and oscillators: what's the secret?

    I am having trouble getting LTSpice to simulate oscillations. I drew a schematic of a simple DC source and resistor circuit to make sure I could get the software to work, and after running and adding a current waveform, the waveform displayed just as it should. Then, I tried two oscillators: a...
  25. A

    Inverter delay(gaussian pdf)

    I m trying to simulate an inverter using LTSpice..I m using 32nm PTM technology..I want the delay to be a gaussian PDF..May i know whats wrong with the .asc file attached below.