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Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.


  1. J

    When and why does embedded Electronic Control Unit(ECU) use default calibration values?

    Typical embedded ECU stores real calibration values and default calibration values in Non-Volatile Memory(NVM). Let's say ECU is Steering Controller and it's primary function is Lane Keep Assist(LKA). It is mounted in a commercial truck. It programs camera's real and default calibration values...
  2. R

    Noob wants to understand Physical display driver

    So I've some experience with microcontrollers and making PCB's. I've been really interested in making a PCB for a "physical" display driver(saying physical so it will not be confused with a program). But the problem is, I can't find a single tip on working with the display driver components(Not...
  3. O

    Need Guidance with HB100 radar SENSOR AND Arduino code (Vehicle speed Detector)

    Hello, I am working on a vehicle speed detection system using the hb100 doppler radar sensor. I am simulating on proteus first before I start the construction process, i couldn't find the library of the hb100 sensor to add unto proteus, so i made use of an astable circuit to act as the HB100...
  4. A

    RFID with Pic16f877A

    Hi dear all, I have been working on my school project for couple of weeks and I'm trying to make RFID Door Lock by using Pic16f877A and RDM6300 RFID reader , I made a code works on PROTUS but I interfaced the cards tags as decimal number like(123456) and after that I noticed that all RF cards...
  5. A

    QR Barcode readers with PIC16f877A (Updated)

    Hey all , I hope you are doing well and staying safe during this pandemic, I have posted before that I'm working on a Door Lock system project with RFID module and key pad using Pic16f877a and I want to add QR to my project . after a saw the answers I did not know actually what to do for that I...
  6. B

    MPLAB X: Target device was not found (could not detect target voltage VDD)

    I'm in the process of making a DC-motor . However, I'm getting an error, the problem is that my PICKIT3 will not connect to the microcontroller. What am I doing wrong? I'm using PIC16F15325 controller and using MPLAB X IDE v5.45. I'm using PICKIT3 for programming/debugging. What I think has...
  7. A

    QR Barcode reader with PIC16f877A

    Hey all , I hope a good and safety day for you, I'm working on a Door Lock system project with RFID module using Pic16f877a and I want to add QR reader to my project and make different QR codes and sore their information and when the users show their QR code the door should opens !, Actually I...
  8. G

    Calculating the execution time of the program

    I'm trying to calculate the execution time of my program but I still can't manage how to do it . This is my asmb code : start: MOV R1,A loop1: MOV R2, #250 loop2: MOV R3, #250 loop3: NOP NOP DJNZ R3,loop3 DJNZ R2,loop2 DJNZ R1,loop1 end The program has...
  9. D

    how to detect error and restart microcontroller for embedded system with Esp 12 or Esp 32

    one thing that make me confused is how the microcontroller notice the errors and restart by itself let me give an example we have cooler system with Esp 32 and temperature sensor,when temperature be Above 25 centigrade degrees cooler will work until temperature reduce to 25 degree . all the...
  10. P

    Unable to Turn on Pins of STM32F446RE

    HI, I have written the below code for my STM32F446RE Nucleo board. All I am trying to do is turn on Pin PA3, Pin PA2 and onboard LED Pin PA5. The code compiled and flashed successfully. But no success in turning on LED pins except onboard LED Pin PA5. I don't know why Pin PA3 and Pin PA2 is...
  11. Y

    Ideas for a school project with an microcontroller?

    For my next and last school year at a technological high school, an independent project with a microcontroller is the order of the day. Every student has to create an electronic project with a microcontroller. But can also have mechanical, chemical elements or the like. A few examples in recent...
  12. V

    Can someone please explain the "readKey" subroutine in this code

    I haven't learnt the coding part of keypad integration in 8051 yet, but I'm aware of the working and theory behind the integration. I'd really appreciate it if someone explains the readKey subroutine in the attached file. Thanks in advance. - Kat
  13. D

    can someone help me to provide code for my project using arduino

    am doing a project on automatic gas booking and gas leakage detection system, i need code for doing it in arduino what the project actually does is. it continuously checks the wieght of the lpg cylinder, and it sends a message to the given number , when the lpg gas becomes empty. and the other...
  14. N

    Microcontroller interfacing with NAND flash memory

    Hello, I am working with TOSHIBAs NAND flash memory. I am using standard SPI protocol to communicate with it. The datasheet is in the link below. I am trying to understand and solve two problems: 1. I do not understand what exactly is the column address of a NAND flash memory. On page 4 of the...
  15. G

    Special development board

    Hello Currently the Grape-Express Mini development board is on Kickstarter. It's a microcontroller board like the Arduino Mega2560 R3, but this board includes a lot more than just Bluetooth, Wifi, and self-sufficiency. If there is interest, then look on the web page. The goal is not set high but...
  16. W

    Creating AVR Applications with MS Visual code

    Dears This is my 1st post in this useful forum,welcome. To all who wants to use the powerful and flexible programming environment Microsoft Visual code to develop their AVR applications or don't know how to use it, I've uploaded a demonstration video on youtube which details this process, which...
  17. N

    How to receive an IR signal of air conditioner signal for reverve engineering?

    I have white brand of air conditioner, so i have no idea what IR protocol it uses, is there any solution that uses a IR receiver in a way that i can reverse engineer? It can be something that uses a Arduino Uno (i have one). After i find a solution for IR signal receiver that works, in future...
  18. M

    How to read hex code from Renesas controller

    Hello, I have use Renesas microcontroller UPD78F0891A how to read hex code from Renesas UPD78F0891a
  19. J

    Sampling ultrasonic signals

    Hi, I want to sample 4 audio sources which frequencies would be between 30 kHz and 40kHz (ultrasonic signals). Is there a microcontroller with ADC that could do that?
  20. A

    Video sync generator IC

    Hello all, I have a board which is a PAL CCIR video sync generator card having SAA1043. The IC is accepting external sync signal from pin 15 ans generating composite pulse on pin 26 and burst output on pin 1. This ic is now obsolete and I am planning to replace this card. While searching for...
  21. J

    Advice for ultrasonic signal processing.

    Hi everybody! I need to recover the signal captured by 3 or 4 hydrophones and doing the respective signal processing (amplification, filtering, ADC). What kind of microcontroller should I use in order to do that? The recovered signal should be between 25 kHz and 200 kHz. Thanks!
  22. Shadow_warrior


    Can someone tell me the maximum sampling frequency of tms320f28377s a microcontroller from TI Here is the link: I am sensing a 20 KHz switching current and feed it to ADC. How many samples will I get? Thanks in advance.
  23. J

    Designing a Low-cost USBL position system

    I would like to build an USBL (Ultr-Short Basline) system to localise an underwater object (an AUV, for exemple). However, it's hard to find low-cost parts to build this system. Could anyone recommend to me a supplier for low-cost (<200$) hydrophones and underwater transducers/transponders please?
  24. J

    Achieving a transmission data underwater at 100 mts depth

    I need to develop a device that should transmit its position and some telemetry data underwater at a maximum depth of 100 m. Considering that RF waves don't propagate well underwater, I guess I'll have to use acoustics as solution. However, I have no idea what kind of material (Tx/Rx) I should...
  25. O

    I2C Serial Communication between two Teensy 3.2

    Hi Everyone. So I have a two teensy 3.2 boards and I would like to create a serial communication between the two. I found a tutorial on However, the author uses two Arduino Uno. I tried doing the same thing on my two...

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