
  1. M

    8051 program not processing keypad matrix correctly

    I made myself a small PCB (measuring about 6cm by 5cm). This is what is supposed to happen: 1. Upon power-up, the LED goes red to indicate that the unit is ready for input. 2. I then press any key down (where the contacts in the button meet), then the red led goes off. 3. The correct value is...
  2. M

    Speed and reliability in wireless network

    After reading countless of articles about internet protocols, I am in the process of rolling my own wireless one between microcontrollers in which one acts as a master and the remaining as slaves. The wireless devices I use is HM-TRP configured at 38400 baud and connected to the UART of each...
  3. D

    Getting message to call using a debouncing circuit

    Need helping implementing interrupt to call message by spdt switch . Use portb or use porta ? #include <GENERAL.h> ;This is the header file you created for this lab#1 ;;; Blinking Module Variables and Constants ;#include "p16f84a.inc" ;__CONFIG _FOSC_HS & _WDTE_OFF & _PWRTE_OFF &...
  4. Need an Arduino Uno

    Hello everyone! I am looking for an Arduino Uno. If anyone has a used one, please contact me.
  5. C

    Hello, how can i sell my project ?

    Hello, i need company which can buy my project.
  6. Z

    New Lab Equipment Setup

    Hey guys! I am new here, so if this post is in the wrong spot please let me know. I am a recent graduate from Texas A&M and am designing a new item I hope to bring to market, but am in need of some lab equipment to get me started and move onto larger projects. I have put together a spreadsheet...
  7. J

    Understanding Small part of AVR code

    Hello fellow Electro-Techs, thank you for your time!! I am currently in the process of combining my love for music with my fascination with ucontrollers and am trying to design a midi to cv converter by myself. I am analysing a code and am currently stuck with the following. It is for a...
  8. M

    AT89Cx051 Programmer not working correctly - Increase waiting time?

    I have attempted to make an easy AT89C2051 programmer using the schematic I made below: I have manually tested all possible configurations with software, and the circuit functions correctly to the software but I tried one atmel chip with it and it does not program correctly. It seems to be...
  9. IFC Engine- & enviroment analog sensordata to NME2000 bus through Teensy3.6 (marine application)

    Hello, I am working on a DIY project to interface a lot of signals to a NMEA2000 bus to be able to controle an older analog engine and other sensors with a new multi function display. To do so I am using Arduino / Teensy microcontroller together with a NMEA2K library. I started to design the...
  10. Choosing a micro-controller for mass production

    Hi all, I'm working on a personal project that I prototyped using an Arduino uno. Now I'm paying a guy to make a more streamlined version (mine had several issues I didn't know how to solve) and I would like to make the prototype using the microcontroller that will be used on the final design...
  11. T

    Analog switch to PIC digital input

    I am not formally trained in electronics..... I am designing a circuit to trigger a PIC using the brake light circuit on my motorcycle. The electrical system is really noisy, and the stray voltages are causing false inputs. I have measured the voltage levels at about 250-350 mv, and the...
  12. V

    Multicore on AURIX™ Family – TC29xT - Infineon

    Hello, I have some issues with the activation for all six cores on the AURIX. If I use only first three cores everything is good. The ECU works fine without debuger connected. The problem appears when I configure one of the next cores (core4, core5, core6) and the debuger is disconnected.When...
  13. V

    IR based Speed control of Single Phase AC motor using a Microcontroller 8051

    Hi all, My project is to create an infrared remote to change the speed and switch on/off of a cap start/run type single phase induction motor operating at AC mains (230V, 50Hz). I have worked out the controlling the speed of the motor part (using a solid state relay to control phase angle of...
  14. B

    Switch mode DC/DC regulator IC and system design

    Hello all, I am currently working on a project where, I have to measure the voltage and current at the load connected to (ECU) Electronic control unit in a truck. The battery Voltage Vin (12V- 48V) has to be varied . The input from the battery will be given to Switch mode DC\DC regulator IC...
  15. B

    Ltspice 8390 for Automotive Application

    Hello all, I am currently working on a project where, I have to measure the voltage and current at the load connected to (ECU) Electronic control unit in a truck. The battery Voltage Vin (12V- 48V) has to be varied . The input from the battery will be given to Switch mode DC\DC regulator IC...
  16. D

    help at building DRM with microcontroller

    Hello, i want to build a DRM device using microcontroller / something similar. the idea in general is to hook from one side usb and the outher side to screen using hdmi , and the device in the middle will varified the usb and play is encrypted content on the screen. my q. is: A. Witch is the...
  17. R

    Issue with Sensorless BLDC motor using microcontroller

    Hello guys, I am in big trouble with sensorless BLDC motor project. I am trying to achieve the control of sensorless BLDC motor using microcontroller. I am using renesas microcontroller. I am able to run the motor but not getting first start. I am trying by sequence changing with particular...
  18. N

    dsPIC33EP512MU810 Error:PK3Err0040

    I am using dsPIC33E USB started kit and downloaded the "dsPIC33E Starter Kit CDC USB Device Demo" from "https://www.microchip.com/DevelopmentTools/ProductDetails.aspx?PartNO=dm330012". I did run the demo code with my pic33 micro-controller, but when I wanted to run the program again I receive...
  19. which microcontroller should I use for my project?

    Hi, I'm fairly new to microcontrollers and have read multiple guides, although still asking the question. I have used Arduino for quite a long time and have developed some product concept. I am only 14 years old though. I am currently developing a wearable project, therefore size, weight, and...
  20. can anyone good on mikroc can help me?

    have a a Project that measures the voltage from a 3-phase lines and Display it on LCD using PIC16F877A. I wrote the code in the mikroc language; the problem is that the LCD shows a lot of wrong characters. this are the Project code `sbit LCD_RS at RB4_bit; sbit LCD_EN at RB5_bit; sbit LCD_D4...
  21. S

    Strange error with actuators powered by same power supply

    What I have: I am using a Teensy 3.2 microcontroller to operate 3 actuators. They are all 0-10VDC signal, and 0-24VAC power. I am using a 24VDC power supply with a voltage divider to create a 10VDC rail on a breadboard. Each of the actuators has its own MOSFET, which controls the exact signal...
  22. N

    Display number in a register on an LCD

    I am currently working with PIC microcontroller 16F877A. I am only allowed to work in Assembly (nothing high level like C). I have a number saved in a register. I need to display it on the LCD. I was thinking of separating the digits, then sending the ASCII value of each digit. The only issue...
  23. A

    How to activate 12V/2A electromagnet with 5V (USB power) each 60 minutes?

    Hi all, I feel like I am stuck because don't know how to solve following "simple" solution: Somehow I have to (each 60 min) activate 12V/2A electromagnet, with 5V input voltage (tipical PC USB (5V/100mA). 5V is powering microcontroller, and with that microcontroller, each 60 min I have to...
  24. R

    Which Microcontroller to Choose

    Hello, I am a mechanical engineering graduate and I am looking interested in a career in the automotive industry in the field of electronic control systems. I know how to program in C but I am very new to embedded systems. I would like to get some advice on picking out a starter kit that would...
  25. A

    Unable to Perform SSH browsing using Ubuntu for Beaglebone black

    Hi, I am newbie to micro controllers. I am not able to install the drivers which is necessary for browsing. Even when I am using the static ip ( ) for it I am not able to get the content in my browser I am getting this error when I try to install mkudevrule.sh...
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