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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.


  1. P

    PWM frequency problem PIC MicroC

    Hello I want to generate a PWM for my application. I am using PIC16F1939, MicroC and PICkit 2 to burn the program. Here's my code- void interrupt() { if (TMR2IF_bit == 1) { CCPR1L = 100; TMR2IF_bit = 0; } } void main() { C1ON_bit = 0; C2ON_bit = 0; //...
  2. C

    Converting 24vdc PWM to logic level for motor driver

    Hi, I have a PLC that I'm trying to send a PWM signal out to a DC motor driver for varying speed. My PLC output signal is 24VDC sinking type and I vary the duty cycle from 0-100% over a pre-selected set frequency. I can connect a small DC motor directly and control speed nicely. But I have...
  3. F

    Running multiple 12v motors of one PWN controller (help required)

    Hi there, First off a bit of background, this is part of a university project where I want to control the flow of water from a reservoir into 12 small tanks (the flow going into each of the 12 tanks needs to be the same, roughly 30ml/min). My way of achieving this is to use 12 peristaltic...
  4. Cribey

    4 x manual set timer for pump control

    Hi All, Total Newb here in respects, but have soldered boards before and have an extremely basic understanding of electronics. I am would like to design a pump timer with 4 separate settable pot timers; 1 timer On for X seconds 1 timer On for Y seconds 1 timer On for A seconds 1 timer On for...
  5. J

    H-Bridge Amp for 8Ω Speaker (PWM)

    I am using fairly robust D882 and B772 transistors in my design, so I am wondering if I still need 4 damper diodes to protect the transistors as shown below? (Leaving them out saves a little on space and cost.)
  6. ClydeCrashKop

    Interfacing Arduino with LM3915

    After searching the internet, I got a lot of clues but no answer. Here is the answer. The LM3915 bar / dot display driver wants an analog input up to 1.25 volts where the tenth LED comes on. Arduino analog output is actually PWM at 5 volts, using a 5 volt supply. This gets a smooth voltage...
  7. N

    DC fans creating electronic noise issue

    Hi! In order to cool a telcom device I am using 4x 12Vdc fans from Delta Electronics (the exact type is FFB0412VHN-F00). The fans have a 3-wire interface and I operate them by sending PWM pulses at their power supply wire. The pulses are generated from a PIC-microcontroller and are "converted"...
  8. R

    PWM and Filter LC

    Hello, I am creating a PWM signal by comparing a sine wave (50Hz) and a triangular wave arrier (10kHz) ,in ordem to control a full bridge inverter. II had been try filter this pwm signal to obtain a sinusoide, with a LC filter. I use this equation to find a cut-frequency of the filter (and...
  9. atferrari

    18F4431 - setting pins as plain IO

    Micro 18F4431 - Assembly In spite of having used the above, several times in the past with no issues, today, after replacing in a working design, the 18F452 in charge with a 18F4431, I found the keyboard and LCD, not responding. After much RTFM, I noted that pins RB0 / PWM0 RB1 / PWM1 RB2 /...
  10. R

    20Khz+ PWM high-wattage LED producing too much heat

    I'm working on dimming a high-wattage LED (50W--12V/4.17amps) with a 3.3V micro-controller. The solution that has worked so far is by using a low-side (PNP) MOSFET to drive the LED and a NPN transistor to drive the MOSFET via the 3.3V signal from the MCU. At 488hz PWM I can dim the LED light...