0.3V Detection Circuit

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Active Member
I have the below wave form. Can somebody tell me a very basic circuit to detect the red colour area.High/ low will be fine.



  • Sync.PNG
    9.3 KB · Views: 206
Thanks ericgibbs.

Is there any simple transistor solution?

Because I'm getting the signals from 4 channels.So I need to make 4 IC circuits.It must be a very small circuit.
Here's a easy way doing this. However you need negative voltage supply AND you need to calculate resistors in voltage divider. AND you need an and gate (i omitted drawing a bjt-and gate).


  • nullPt3Volt.jpg
    27.3 KB · Views: 204
From the look of that waveform he needs a sync-seperator, there are some really good IC ones, or a simple single transistor will do the job.
From the look of that waveform he needs a sync-seperator, there are some really good IC ones, or a simple single transistor will do the job.
Using a single transistor will also "detect" when voltage is at maximum.

I'll draw a little more to see if I understand this right


  • output_middleLevelVoltageDetector.png
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Thats the point I need sync seperator.

the problem is I don't have special IC's.Thats why I need to do from simple ciruit.

That single transistor solution is a nice idea.But I don't know how to implement.What transistor Do I have to use?
i know that diodes won't pass current if the voltage over them is below a certain level
you might be able to use a diode that won't pass current if the voltage is less than say 0.2V (not that i know if such a diode even exists)
and the signal coming out of the diode will go through a transistor to drive a LED or whatever
and plz do correct me if i'm wrong since i got a pretty basic understanding in electronics
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Thats the point I need sync seperator.

the problem is I don't have special IC's.Thats why I need to do from simple ciruit.

That single transistor solution is a nice idea.But I don't know how to implement.What transistor Do I have to use?

Look at the link I posted.
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