To get a high accuracy clock use a cheap GPS module ? Use 1 PPS output of it.
Or use a low end ATTINY85 to generate this (with xtal attached to it) :
View attachment 148271
User drags and drops blocks out of second window, into third window, configures, like pin to use for clk, and mBlock gens code shown in right hand window. Third window generates the 1 Hz signal, simple,
thats all it took to create program.
An example of a complex timer / pulse generator design, eg. the utility and ease of programing in
block language.
mBlock takes user configured block programing and generates Arduino code user programs into ATTINY85 or Nano board, using Arduino IDE programmer facility. mBlock is free, as is Arduino IDE.
Simplest use a Nano board as its has regulator and xtal on it, easily interfaces to Arduino IDE programmer
from mBlock. Pic of ATTINY85, and shown in foreground Nano board. Use one or the other.
View attachment 148272
If you wanted to get fancy use ESP8266 or ESP32 and add a web page access to GPS time.
Use Tuniot to do the block programing.
Regards, Dana.