Thanks for marking the centenary of that one.
Trf, using first a Ta7642 (Zn414), and now a wideband op amp, I wanted to avoid having an IF as its going to be a freq reference, and dont want many variable delays.
The ant is a 24" square 1.5mH wire loop, 52 turns, resonated with a variable cap, 10-500pf.
I tried a loop stick but the s/n was poor.
I pulled a differential choke out of an smps, and connected inline with the Dc supply, cant get the signal anymore, but I can get radio 4 on 198 khz, I guess my ant is a pile if junk, I did verify it resonates at 100khz, and it picks up my sig gen Ok, maybe its the pulsed nature of loran, others have used multi turn loops though.
The Ne602 thet say works at Dc and has 25dB of gain, I was wondering abotu using a pair of fets to buffer the ant, and feed the '602 with a differential signal, with a local osc of 0hz.