ok your requirements are a bit clearer.
- with 100Hz rectified must hold up above minimum input voltage so output does not drop but with 0.12V drop or 2.4% of 5V regulated , may assume input dropped from 8.4Vdc
- any design that needs needs 10% ripple of unregulated input needs RC=~5T for T=rectified cycle of 10ms, then C=~5*10ms/5Ohm= 10mF. if your C is smaller then possibly input ripple Vpp is greater.
- When pumping a limited current at low ripple into caps, the ESR produces a step voltage while charging up the C with a triangular wave on top.
- minimizing ESR by choice of 1 best cap or two or three different types is historically done like 100uF, 1uF, 0.01uF, so that when SRF is exceeded in the biggest cap , it turns inductive then the next smaller cap shunts this in parallel as f rises and so forth. (simplistic view)
- Ceramic caps can work well under good layout, soldering , bias and temp restrictions. Chosen poorly, results,are same.
- Plastic caps are far more ideal electrically, but low density makes them suitable for lower C higher RF, higher V, higher ripple current.
- Examine the specs of the Murata cap chosen for output and the layout.. Loop area from switcher to output cap Must be kept low for any cap >=50KHz as impedance from trace inductance rises with harmonic f of pulses and base switching rate.
- Inductor must also be low ESR and small value like the demo board which uses 22uH and 1uH , NOT mH !