12 volt divide-by-12 IC...is there such a critter?

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Hey folks,

Great forum, I peruse the pages regularly and finally registered.

Looking for help with the following divider circuit I am building. I need to take a 5v square wave, divide its frequency by 12, and output a 12v square wave.

A 74LS92 will do the trick, but it is a 5V IC and outputs a 5v pulse. To keep the number of components to a minimum I am wondering if anyone knows of a divide-by-12 IC out there that operates on 12-15v and outputs a 12v square wave?

Thanks for any assistance,
CD4000 series CMOS circuits will operate from 12V.

Since a straight binary counter can not give a divide by 12 with a 50% duty-cycle, you can do a divide by six followed by a divide by two.

A CD4029 presetable binary up/down counter should work for the divide by six. Each time the counter reaches zero, have it preset to 6 and then count down to zero. To get a 50% duty-cycle, connect the carry output of the divide-by-six counter to the clock input of a D flip-flop, such as the CD4013 configured to toggle for a divide-by-two (D input to the /Q output). The result will be a divide-by-12 with a 50% duty cycle.
Crutschow, thanks for the information. I was considering using a 7492 to control a BC547 transistor and have the transistor pass the 12v I was looking for. But, I would still need a 5v voltage regulator or at least a simple voltage divider to power the 7492. I forgot to mention that I am using 12v as the supply.

I was hoping that a 12v version of the 7492 existed, but if not I like your approach better than my transistor idea. Should provide a nice clean square wave.

Thanks again,
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