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12DC Sockets

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muttley600 said:
Well, that was my first schematic, it's a good job I didn't mind if I had it right or

CBB the two black wires go into the actual ciggy plug (power in.......sorry)

The two wires I marked as input are output

You did a fine job on the schematic, especially for a first try. I suspect that yours is probably more accurate than mine... I'm gonna sim a composite of the two of them today.

And I had wondered about the "in" and "out" puts. Now it makes a lot more sense. Thanks for the correction.
Morning CBB
I was happy for first attempt & fact I was rushing to put it together, for the life of me I couldn't get my head around that other program & lost about hour an half on schematic.
Have been playing with demo again on CW & it will run/track faults & convert to pcb, it looks to be like it will suit my needs for learning :)
Was meant to go out last night but got snowed off so I will now sit down & see if I can afford program :) at least I can practise without time restrictions then
Mornin' Bro,

& see if I can afford program

If you mean buying TINA basic, don't just yet. TI has a FREE version of TINA for download (it allows you to save your schematics). It's not "full-bodied" but, then, neither is mine, compared to the $800 USD versions available:

I have the TI version on my machine as well as the "store boughten" (as we say down here) version.

Give that a shot. If nothing else, we could swap working schematics.

EDIT: Just discovered that I can open TINA TI schematics in TINA Basic, AND Vica versa. Pretty cool. Wonder what ARE the differences between them?? (I know I read about them somewhere, just can't remember where...)
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Hiya Paul
Thanks for that, money not looking good this month, why do all important bills come together, never mind next payday & Ill be back to normal **broken link removed**
I am just downloading TI at the moment, will be interesting to see what its like, I was giving CW a right grilling as I was chossing between the two, at least I can compare them now, you can get a demo of CW but it stops you getting the best bits, but was enough for me to consider buying it.

Hold on, TI now loaded **broken link removed** just off for a quick play & I'll let you know how I get on

wow, it's very similar to CW but I can save stuff, Thanks CBB **broken link removed**

Now, let's get this schematic nailed properly **broken link removed**

Can you run sim on this **broken link removed**
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Yes. All sorts. Matter of fact, enough "sorts" that it can be confusing.

If you like, I can assign a circuit for you to build and test. Then you do that. Then we'll add something and you'll test that, etc.

Best I can, I'll help from this end. There is a tutorial for TINA but, I must admit, I didn't go through it. Probably should have but where's the fun in that?

Once you have the schematic for the current project, we'll try some simple, basic circuits for the sim aspect of the software.

If you like, I can assign a circuit for you to build and test. Then you do that. Then we'll add something and you'll test that, etc.

Sound doable??
yeah, sounds like great fun **broken link removed**

ok, heres 2nd correction I had taken 1st go off SM945 & assumed all E/B/C would be the same **broken link removed** so they are as follows:
SM945 1=E - 2=C - 3=B this is a PNP
A733 1=E - 2=C - 3=B this is NPN
S8550 1=E - 2=B - 3=C this is PNP

all according to datasheets, is it me or should SM945 & A733 be the same??????
ok, I'm even more confused now **broken link removed** the way the transistors are placed on board, it is definately both emittors on + but according to your example it should be one + & one - ????????????????????
Don't use mine as an example. And good for you for noticing the error.

I haven't changed anything since you gave me the correct connection IDs.

Keep plugging with your schematic construction. You have the thing right there in front of you and you're doing a far better job than I can from just the pics.

I'll catch up, but I'm relying on you for the more accurate rendition.
Ok, this has been tripled checked & Im still getting confused **broken link removed** you can see why I wanted to play with this before doing real stuff can't you, gotta get this through my head so it sinks in good & proper

**broken link removed**

I'm struggling to know where to place one wire, if you look on back of board, you have lowest connector of T1/S8550 along with rec/choke & 221 cap, where do I put the wire as all the connectors are on the same block, tell me if you want me to highlight on photo what I'm on about
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Keep in mind that the polarities for the transistors (NPN and PNP), as evidenced by the how they are wired, does not necessarily follow the logic that an NPN always has it's emitter tied to what appears to be a negative potential. The same is true for an PNP, except positive.

Just trust your eyes when reverse engineering a circuit.

You'll see the logic of the first paragraph when we sim the circuit and look closely at the voltage values on that working circuit.

You'll see that for the NPN, the collector will be more positive (however slight) than the emitter. The PNP will be the other way around. Anything else will cause the transistor(s) to not conduct. Which, depending, may be what you want for that component to do.

Just because a PNP and an NPN both have their collectors (or emitters) tied to the same wire does not mean that the circuit is incorrectly wired.

And YES. Please highlight on pic the area you're talking about.
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Oh. And don't forget to do a component count between what's on the board and what you've got in the schematic.
Ok, if I'm trusting my eyes that wire needs moving below the rectifier, but to left or right of 221? Edit: ignore that comment it is definitely to the right of 221 :)

Sorry, that was as far as I got for tonight, need to wash up before walking bobby

At least I can carry on tomorrow, bar that wire in wrong place, it should now be correct with data sheets for NPN & PNP & if you look at first attempt, bottom was correct, so it should all come together :)

Thanks for program, it seems very useable :)

By the time I have finished this schematic & it works, I will feel like I have just passed a great milestone in understanding, I know this is just practise but I feel like I'm learning lots all the time

Amazing fun :)

Just noticed inductor looks like it should be at 90degrees for rest of circuit, think I was concentrating so hard on left top of circuit I've messed bottom right up now....sigh
Will correct it tomorrow, the wire off R9 should go below bottom 16v cap not connect to rectifier

Let's just call it work in progress. lol

All this so I can put meter on to see what/why & how components are reacting so I get an idea of how they
But at least this way I get to understand schematics to
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Afternoon CBB **broken link removed**
Right, back to it, I'll sort out those mistakes & get this finished

ok, next question, which is cathode end on diode symbol so I make sure I have them the right way around **broken link removed**

No worries, I've found it
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Mornin' from SC.

The end with the bar is the cathode.

EDIT: OOPS. Didn't see your last sentence.
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Top tip, don't update your internet security while your in the middle of doing something........*^&?** **broken link removed**

Watch this post in a couple of minutes, I quadruple checked transistors/diodes, just checking wiring for last time then I'll save & post **broken link removed** This will be the finished working article

So we had the first scematic attempt then the first working schematic

**broken link removed**

ok, everything has been checked over again & again & that should be ok now **broken link removed**

I need a smoke & a cuppa after that **broken link removed**
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