12v 50ma to 100ma Conversion

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New Member
I was hoping someone might be able to help me out. I have a NuVo Grand Concerto system and an older amp, without any 12v trigger, powering one of the zones. Thus I tried to add a Russound ACT-1 (voltage triggered AC outlet) to power on/off the amp with the 12v trigger of that zone from the NuVo. Problem is the NuVo outputs 12v@50ma and the Russound requires 12v@100ma to trigger. Thus it is not triggering the ACT-1. Taking a 12v 250ma power supply to the Russound, it triggers fine and the 12v output of the NuVo triggers a new amp, with a 12v trigger, fine. I added a relay, IDEC RH1B-U DC12V, and you could see the coil trying to flip but the NuVo's 50ma was not enough to trip the relay. I saw a previous post about using a transistor, diode, and resistor with the relay but I'm no electrical engineer to figure it out (https://www.electro-tech-online.com/threads/25ma-to-100ma-12v-trigger.23853/). Any suggestions? Thanks for the help.
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