12v DC-220v AC 20W inverter...

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it doesnt work....i need 220V AC ouptut voltage but the voltage that i get is 1V AC..how can i fix it?
i tried both circuits but they didnt work..please if you make one of the work help me...


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Ahh you're simulating it, not building it. Well use the oscilloscope tool and look at the waveforms before and after the transformer. I don't know what simulator you're using.
the first is before trafo..the second is after trafo


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i dont have center tapped transformer becos my version is a student version just like demo...and i have to use this program..so cant i do it by using another type of transformer.
hmm..i guess i dont have problem with transformer...it is about driver circuit..can anyone draw a driver circuit for that inverter..please..i have just 2 days...

Lets say you learn a valuable lesson here

time estimations for work and knowing when you have to ask help (or admit you don't know it to well) the last one is even more importand in a job situation

In my opinion you started to late (or asked help to late for your problem)

also if you build the device in real (not only in a simulation) you will learn valuable lessons in how to stuff up the thing in construction (imediatly you lern how to avoid that and if you stuff it up you learn even more of understanding the design in finding the fault)

lot's of designers do a nice job on the computer but don't anticipate what could be the problems when you have to make it

To your problem now

what is the frequency your running this schematic?

a transformer has a certain delayed response so if the frequency is to high for the used transformer (transformer dependend) than this could be the situation if the transformer responce is going up when the steering goes already down than it will kill your output total

hmm..i guess i dont have problem with transformer...it is about driver circuit..can anyone draw a driver circuit for that inverter..please..i have just 2 days...

try this as you reference


  • Doc2.doc
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thanks for ur advices but i have just found this website...the frequency is 50hz from 555...
Hello!I am in the same situation with you baggio.Did you solve the poblem you had?I need an inverter from 12v DC to 220v AC schematic as well, for an identical project.
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