12v multi input switch?

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Hi, I'm an electronics newbie so please go easy.
Is there any type of 12v IC or device where I can switch between 2 sets of 6 different lines.
So i/0 A
Switch to i/0 B

12v switching control/trigger (there's no 5v, reset etc)

I'm looking to select between two sets of controls to a radio type device. Just seeing if there's an alternate to relays.

If the voltages and currents are not too high, a couple of these would give you six change-over switches:

These look great... thank you very much. I have a few questions about them. I take it I can set up a permanent Enable lo to keep them switched on?
I'm going to read this over the next few days and see if I can understand it better.
Some of the lines getting switched are 12v rail... do you can they handle that or two much?
The logic control is that 5v hi-lo logic causing the switching.
What is the terminology regarding the drains? Just trying to work out how the switches are triggered. Whether I can do it via the local 12v or if i need to common them all together and use/borrow a I/0 control from an ardunio nearby.
Thanks so much for this.
From the data sheet, the switching levels are TTL compatible, but the control signals can be anything up to the positive supply voltage. They can be permanently on.

The switches appear as just a low resistance when on, the source / drain is just the makers labelling and usually not relevant, as long as you use them within the proper limits, eg. maximum currents etc.

They are intended for signal control, not power switching, so only a few milliamps.
Relays are 100% perfect - they work in either direction, are extremely low loss, and offer great isolation.

Any electronic methods are poorer in every respect, and require knowledge of EXACTLY what the signals are going to be, and may fail if those signals vary too much.

A simple answer would be CMOS switches - but it depends entirely on the exact use, they may be completely unsuitable for your application.
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