12V to 180V, help me stay safe, what is the proper V and W rating

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New Member

I will try to build this tomorrow.
(pictures at the bottom but more info in the pdf)

this step the voltage up from 12V to 180V.

The pdf show all of the necessaty parts but unfortunately not the voltage and power rating of the components.

Anyone here have experience with this kind of device and would be willing to help me choose safe components?

Thank you very much!
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this looks like a kit in which case all parts should be supplied so you should not worry about it.

in general when resistor power is not specified, 1/4W is assumed,
for capacitor check voltages in the circuit. for example C4 is filtering 170V output
therefore we need capacitor that can handle more than maximum circuit can provise (250V is fine as mentioned in document).
C2 is used on low voltage side so 16V would be more than enough (actual capacitor is likely rated 50V which is common for ceramic).
C3 is in the snubber circuit and can see high voltage. if i was picking component for it, i would go for 250V version (i think i have bunch of 1kV caps too).
L1 should have current rating but this is low power device so i would not worry about it
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