Sorry about my previous post as I came across additional and interesting information reading up...
Before I share what I have found, let me start by saying that one transistor does not make for a TTL device. I stand corrected there. The project deals with individual transistors and not TTL.
TTL devices are broken down into two major families: Standard TTL, Schottky TTL (Clamp/transistor)
Standard TTL: Have a high input resistance, fairly low time delay (fairly good speed), low input current (about 1ma), good sinking (21.5ma) and not so good in sourcing (2.6ma)
Schottky TTL: High input resistance, slightly higher input current (1.4ma), lower time delay (higher speed), do not operate in saturation (operate in active region), excellent for both sourcing and sinking since they have a much higher current gain and a low output resistance, excellent turn on and turn off time for fast speed switching (higher frequency).
I also found good answers to my earlier questions in regards to availability of higher currents in PIC's:
By increasing the thickness of supply bus lines in PIC, you increase the internal capacitance of the device compromising switching time. Also there is a limitation of how close internal transistor can get to each other due to power dissipation. Increaing number of transistors or size of the transistors to acoomodate higher currents would require a higher foot-print on the chip (area). With everything else jammed packed into these chips (CPU, CLK, ROM, RAM, Driving Transistors, clamp diodes, and so on), chip real estate is limited.
Source: Book of "Microelctronics Circuits" by Adel Sedra & Kenneth Smith. Book was used in school of EE in Georgia Tech.
TTL Logic: Pages 915-934
Schottky TTL Families: Pages 935-941