16F877A full evaluation board

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few years ago I did purchase a test board on ebay. It is loaded with chips (e.g. LCD, four 7-segm. leds, max232, real time clock, 4x4 button array, eeprom etc.), but is not a programmer. The Pic was supposed to have a bootloader installed however.

I got no instruction with it and the seller never responded to my complaints about the info missing.
It lights up when power is put to it, the LCD displays "Analog input 0-2" and below three 3-digit numbers. The 7-segm. displ. shows 1234.

Is anyone here familiar with the board this descripton fits to that can direct me to any useful information about it, e.g. how to get in contact with the bootloader?


Think you would be better posting a photo of the board - its difficult to say what you have , although an Olimex board springs to mind.

Boootloaders have there place, but you will still need to program the bootlader program onto a chip in the first place.

If you can make use of that board I would be tempted to match it with good programmer like the Pickit2.
I suspect you have the same board I bought a few years ago. I got my money returned after putting in a complaint with the payment company and got a full refund. The board was total crap but I did strip it for parts some of which are still going today in projects like the lcd, RTC, eeprom and some of the pushbuttong I managed to desolder without breaking. The 16f877a pic that was supplied refused to be recognized by my ICD2 and when trying to use a tait based pic programmer it failed too.

It does pay to do some research before buying development boards as there is afew shonky ones out there. The same goes for pic programmers why spend $50 or more from a ebay shark when a pickit 2 is less money and legit.

Cheers Bryan
Anyone got a link to the schematic?

The 5 connections on the top right look like the ICSP cons.

No it's the button matrix, not the ICSP
I do have the chematic, but only on paper (I could scan it if anybody is interested)

The schematic will show if RB7 and RB6 are free and if MCLR is properly connected so in circuit serial programming will work. If they are correct a socket can be added so a Pickit2 will work with it. So a scan could get you answers.

RB6 and RB7 are indeed accesable. I have now ordered the Pickit2 (Debug Express) and eventually I will try connecting it to this board.
Thanks for your support guys,
Hi There..
I also have that board and are happy with it.
BUT if you are using the rs232 for bootloading
you should swap pin 2 and 3 (rx & tx data)
all the best from OZ1LQB / Claus
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