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16X2 LCD code for pic18f452 - help pls

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New Member
I am trying to connect a 16X2 LCD to a pic18f452 controller.
i understand all the 2X16 LCD displays have the same attachments, anyway the LCD i'm using is - winstar wh1602a
i need the LCD to show a FLOAT data type called volume .
The conections i made:

1 - GND
2- 5V
3- GND
4- RD2
5- GND
6- RD3
11- RD4
12- RD5
13- RD6
14- RD7

from what i could find on the net i wrote the following code (i need to use C programming lamguge...)

***** initialize ****

#include <p18C452.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <p18f452.h>
#include <delays.h>
#pragma config WDT = OFF // disable watchdog
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <xlcd.h>
#include <windows.h>
void DelayFor18TCY( void )
Nop(); Nop(); Nop(); Nop();
Nop(); Nop(); Nop(); Nop();
Nop(); Nop(); Nop(); Nop();
Nop(); Nop();
void DelayPORXLCD( void )
Delay1KTCYx(15); //Delay of 15ms
void DelayXLCD( void )
Delay1KTCYx(5); //Delay of 5ms


here comes the (main)
volume is calculated and now i want to write to the LCD

**** writing to LCD *******

OpenXLCD ( EIGHT_BIT & LINES_5X7 ); // configure external LCD
putrsXLCD ("The Volume Is ");
putsXLCD (Volume);


obviosly it doesn't work.
anyone has a working code for the PIC18f452 ?
all i need is initialization and the writing a number (volume) to the screen
Thanx !
1) Pin 3 should usually be connected to either a voltage divider or potentiometer, as this controls the contrast. Looking at the datasheet for your LCD confirms this
2) I've never used the LCD library you are using so i can't really know if you are connecting it properly and defining everything as you should - but i did notice that you are passing EIGHT_BIT in the init whereas you connected only 4 data lines (so you are in fact working 4 bit mode).
3) If you'd like to see reference code for an LCD, see my **broken link removed**. It's coded to use PORTC (so connect DB4-7 to RC0-3 or change the definition to whatever port you are using, but use the lower 4 lines). You'll also need to define IO_HD44780_E and IO_HD44780_RS to use whatever port bit you choose.
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