Mike said:Now, could you build interface code that would allow single channel serial updates instead of that 30 byte serial update? Are there any pins left over to allow using one pin for hardware handshaking to the host to signal when we're sitting in that 17.5 msec 'window' (where we can use the serial port) instead of sending that flag character?
Pommie said:There is no need to worry about the serial communication. At 19200 baud a byte can arrive each 5mS,
iorlw 4
andwf LATE, 1,0
incfsz _pos, 1,0
bra $-76
iorlw 4
andwf LATE, 1,0
btfss PIR1,RCIF ;byte recieved
goto DoneRS ;no, so go do a delay
movfw RXREG ;yes, get it and
movwf POSTINC0 ;store it in buffer
bcf PIR1,RCIF ;clr IF
CarryOn incfsz _pos, 1,0
bra $-76
DoneRS goto CarryOn ;just delay and jump back
Mike said:Tying up the processor for 2500 usecs without being able to cache serial data in a circular buffer as it's coming in is a potentially big problem, in my opinion.
program SERVO30_18F452
'****** ******
'****** 30 Servo Driver @ 256 Positions using P18 @ 40MHz ******
'****** by W. Schroeder on July 22, 2006 ******
'****** REVISED on Sept 19, 2006..added USART & code tweaks ******
'****** Compiled with mikroBASIC & Tested on 18F452 ******
'****** ******
'****** Servo routines use only ~2.5ms of 20ms cycle ******
'****** This ensures enough time for changing servo values ******
'****** ******
'****** USART is used for communicating new servo values to ******
'****** the PIC. It is important that the PIC initiate this ******
'****** communication with the PC. Therefore, PC software ******
'****** must regularly scan the Comm Port for receipt of a ******
'****** an initiate-communication signal. The PC will send ******
'****** exactly 30 bytes which represent the servo values. ******
'****** ******
' These are the port pin assignments for the servo array:
' servo[0]- PORTA.0
' servo[1]- PORTA.1
' servo[2]- PORTA.2
' servo[3]- PORTA.3
' servo[4]- PORTA.5 <-- note: skips RA4 open-drain output
' servo[5]- PORTB.0
' servo[6]- PORTB.1
' servo[7]- PORTB.2
' servo[8]- PORTB.3
' servo[9]- PORTB.4
' servo[10]-PORTB.5
' servo[11]-PORTB.6
' servo[12]-PORTB.7
' servo[13]-PORTC.0
' servo[14]-PORTC.1
' servo[15]-PORTC.2
' servo[16]-PORTC.3
' servo[17]-PORTC.4
' servo[18]-PORTC.5
' servo[19]-PORTD.0
' servo[20]-PORTD.1
' servo[21]-PORTD.2
' servo[22]-PORTD.3
' servo[23]-PORTD.4
' servo[24]-PORTD.5
' servo[25]-PORTD.6
' servo[26]-PORTD.7
' servo[27]-PORTE.0
' servo[28]-PORTE.1
' servo[29]-PORTE.2
dim aa, pos, tmp as byte
dim tmr as word
dim servo as byte[30]
dim saveFSR as byte
dim buffer as byte[10]
dim bufferlen as byte
dim bufferpoint as byte
dim position as byte
sub procedure interrupt
LATA = 63 ' turn on all servos on PortA
LATB = 255 ' turn on all servos on PortB
LATC = 63 ' turn on all servos on PORTC
LATD = 255 ' turn on all servos on PortD
LATE = 7 ' turn on all servos on PORTE
pos = 0 ' manage 8 outputs with 256 positions each
ASM ' VERY efficient PWM masking routine
movfw FSR0
movwf saveFSR
movlw _buffer 'maybe this should be &buffer
movwf FSR0 'so FSR points to buffer
'not sure how banking works here
movlw 0
decfsz _servo+0, 1,0
iorlw 1
decfsz _servo+1, 1,0
iorlw 2
decfsz _servo+2, 1,0
iorlw 4
decfsz _servo+3, 1,0
iorlw 8
decfsz _servo+4, 1,0
iorlw 32
andwf LATA, 1,0
movlw 0
decfsz _servo+5, 1,0
iorlw 1
decfsz _servo+6, 1,0
iorlw 2
decfsz _servo+7, 1,0
iorlw 4
decfsz _servo+8, 1,0
iorlw 8
decfsz _servo+9, 1,0
iorlw 16
decfsz _servo+10, 1,0
iorlw 32
decfsz _servo+11, 1,0
iorlw 64
decfsz _servo+12, 1,0
iorlw 128
andwf LATB, 1,0
movlw 0
decfsz _servo+13, 1,0
iorlw 1
decfsz _servo+14, 1,0
iorlw 2
decfsz _servo+15, 1,0
iorlw 4
decfsz _servo+16, 1,0
iorlw 8
decfsz _servo+17, 1,0
iorlw 16
decfsz _servo+18, 1,0
iorlw 32
andwf LATC, 1,0
movlw 0
decfsz _servo+19, 1,0
iorlw 1
decfsz _servo+20, 1,0
iorlw 2
decfsz _servo+21, 1,0
iorlw 4
decfsz _servo+22, 1,0
iorlw 8
decfsz _servo+23, 1,0
iorlw 16
decfsz _servo+24, 1,0
iorlw 32
decfsz _servo+25, 1,0
iorlw 64
decfsz _servo+26, 1,0
iorlw 128
andwf LATD, 1,0
movlw 0
decfsz _servo+27, 1,0
iorlw 1
decfsz _servo+28, 1,0
iorlw 2
decfsz _servo+29, 1,0
iorlw 4
andwf LATE, 1,0
btfsz PIR1,RCIF
goto DoneRS
movfw RXREG
movwf POSTINC0
CarryOn incfsz _pos, 1,0
bra $-76
movlw _buffer
subfw FSR0,W ;W=FSR0-&buffer = len received
movwf _bufferlen
movfw saveFSR ;restore FSR
movwf FSR0
END ASM ' these routines have used ~2500us to this point
TMR0H= Hi(-5438) ' balance of time for 20ms cycle (=17.5ms)
TMR0L = -5438
INTCON.TMR0IF = 0 ' clear interrupt flag
aa = 1
end sub
sub procedure _init
LATA = 0
LATB = 0
LATC = 0
LATD = 0
LATE = 0
ADCON1 = 7
T0CON = %00000100 ' prescaler = 32 or 3.2us per increment
TMR0H = -2 ' load high byte first
TMR0L = 0 ' load low byte second
INTCON = %10100000 ' Timer0 Interrupt Enabled and Flag Cleared
T0CON.7 = 1 ' Timer0 On
aa = 0
end sub
sub function getRS232 as byte
'this relies on the buffer being flushed before another interrupt comes along
dim temp as int
While temp=-1
if bufferlen<>0 then 'any bytes in buffer
if bufferpoint=bufferlen then 'read all bytes in buffer?
aa=0 'clear the interrupt flag
btfss PIR1,RCIF 'byte available
goto NoRS232 'no carry on
bcf INTCON,7 'dissable interrupts - can't see a way around this
movfw aa 'has an interrupt occured and stolen our data
btfss STATUS,Z 'if so,
goto NoRS232 'go around the outer loop and get it from the buffer
movfw RXREG 'get byte
bsf INTCON,7 'reenable interrupts
movwf _temp 'byte to return
clrf _temp+1 'ensure temp <>-1
NoRS232 bsf INTCON,7 'needed for when goto (above) executed
end sub
USART_Init(19200) ' 19200 should be minimum speed...faster is better
' communicate with PC every 20ms
While true
loop until tmp>127 'wait for servo number
tmp=tmp & 127
position = getRS232*16 'get servo position
position = position + getRS232
servo[tmp] = position ' store servo value
program SERVO30_USART
'****** ******
'****** 30 Servo Driver @ 256 Positions using P18 @ 40MHz ******
'****** by W. Schroeder on July 22, 2006 ******
'****** ******
'****** REVISED on Sept 19, 2006..added USART & code tweaks ******
'****** Compiled with mikroBASIC & Tested on 18F452 ******
'****** ******
'****** REVISED on Dec 5, 2007.. added USART for any Baud ******
'****** Compiled with mikroBASIC 6.0 & Tested on 18F452 ******
'****** ******
'****** Servo routines use only ~2.5ms of 20ms cycle ******
'****** USART at any baudrate to change servo values ******
'****** ******
' These are the port pin assignments for the servo array:
' servo[0]- PORTA.0
' servo[1]- PORTA.1
' servo[2]- PORTA.2
' servo[3]- PORTA.3
' servo[4]- PORTA.5
' servo[5]- PORTB.0
' servo[6]- PORTB.1
' servo[7]- PORTB.2
' servo[8]- PORTB.3
' servo[9]- PORTB.4
' servo[10]-PORTB.5
' servo[11]-PORTB.6
' servo[12]-PORTB.7
' servo[13]-PORTC.0
' servo[14]-PORTC.1
' servo[15]-PORTC.2
' servo[16]-PORTC.3
' servo[17]-PORTC.4
' servo[18]-PORTC.5
' servo[19]-PORTD.0
' servo[20]-PORTD.1
' servo[21]-PORTD.2
' servo[22]-PORTD.3
' servo[23]-PORTD.4
' servo[24]-PORTD.5
' servo[25]-PORTD.6
' servo[26]-PORTD.7
' servo[27]-PORTE.0
' servo[28]-PORTE.1
' servo[29]-PORTE.2
const T1_20ms as word = 65536-50000+6 ' 20ms + stop timer1 stop compensation
dim pos as byte
dim servo as byte[30]
dim servobuffer as byte[30]
dim lastservobufaddr as word
dim T1 As word absolute $FCE
sub procedure interrupt
LATA = 63 ' turn on all servos on PortA
LATB = 255 ' turn on all servos on PortB
LATC = 63 ' turn on all servos on PORTC
LATD = 255 ' turn on all servos on PortD
LATE = 7 ' turn on all servos on PORTE
pos = 0 ' 256 counts.. rollover to original value
delay_us(500) ' 0 position delay; adjust to suit needs
ASM ' VERY efficient PWM masking routine
movlw 0
decfsz _servo+0, 1,0
iorlw 1
decfsz _servo+1, 1,0
iorlw 2
decfsz _servo+2, 1,0
iorlw 4
decfsz _servo+3, 1,0
iorlw 8
decfsz _servo+4, 1,0
iorlw 32
andwf LATA, 1,0
movlw 0
decfsz _servo+5, 1,0
iorlw 1
decfsz _servo+6, 1,0
iorlw 2
decfsz _servo+7, 1,0
iorlw 4
decfsz _servo+8, 1,0
iorlw 8
decfsz _servo+9, 1,0
iorlw 16
decfsz _servo+10, 1,0
iorlw 32
decfsz _servo+11, 1,0
iorlw 64
decfsz _servo+12, 1,0
iorlw 128
andwf LATB, 1,0
movlw 0
decfsz _servo+13, 1,0
iorlw 1
decfsz _servo+14, 1,0
iorlw 2
decfsz _servo+15, 1,0
iorlw 4
decfsz _servo+16, 1,0
iorlw 8
decfsz _servo+17, 1,0
iorlw 16
decfsz _servo+18, 1,0
iorlw 32
andwf LATC, 1,0
movlw 0
decfsz _servo+19, 1,0
iorlw 1
decfsz _servo+20, 1,0
iorlw 2
decfsz _servo+21, 1,0
iorlw 4
decfsz _servo+22, 1,0
iorlw 8
decfsz _servo+23, 1,0
iorlw 16
decfsz _servo+24, 1,0
iorlw 32
decfsz _servo+25, 1,0
iorlw 64
decfsz _servo+26, 1,0
iorlw 128
andwf LATD, 1,0
movlw 0
decfsz _servo+27, 1,0
iorlw 1
decfsz _servo+28, 1,0
iorlw 2
decfsz _servo+29, 1,0
iorlw 4
andwf LATE, 1,0
btfsc PIR1, 5,0 ' check USART RX buffer
movff RCREG, POSTINC2 ' move RX byte into servobuffer
incfsz _pos, 1,0
bra $-76 ' loop total of 20224 cycles = 2.02ms
T1CON.TMR1ON = 0 ' stop timer1
T1 = T1 + T1_20ms ' reload timer1
T1CON.TMR1ON = 1 ' restart timer1
PIR1.TMR1IF = 0 ' clear interrupt flag
end sub
sub procedure _init
LATA = 0
LATB = 0
LATC = 0
LATD = 0
LATE = 0
ADCON1 = 7 ' disable ADC's
lastservobufaddr = @servobuffer + 30
INTCON = 192 ' enable GIE & PEIE
T1CON = 32 ' prescaler=4, timer off
T1 = 0 ' load Timer1
PIE1.TMR1IE = 1 ' enable Timer1 Interrupt
PIR1.TMR1IF = 0 ' clear Timer1 Interrupt Flag
T1CON.TMR1ON = 1 ' start Timer1
end sub
USART_Init(115200) ' any baudrate is permissible
FSR0ptr = @servo
While FSR0ptr < (@servo + 30) ' initialize all servo values to 0 position
FSR2ptr = @servobuffer
While true
While FSR2ptr < lastservobufaddr ' FSR2 is RX servobuffer
Loop Until PIR1.RCIF = 1 ' wait for new RX byte
POSTINC2 = RCREG ' load RX byte.. when 30 bytes move on
FSR2ptr = @servobuffer ' reset RX buffer
FSR1ptr = @servobuffer ' setup tranfer of RX array to
FSR0ptr = @servo ' servo work array
While FSR1ptr < lastservobufaddr
POSTINC0 = inc(POSTINC1) ' transfer RX buffer to work values.. add 1
' Swordfish BASIC
DIM RxBuffer(256) As Byte
FSR0 = @RxBuffer
wschroeder said:This is untested right now, but it should allow simple USART RX source at any baudrate (maybe 115K should be the upper limit). The only stipulation is that the PC starts communication after the PIC has been started.
It's written presently in mikroBasic and will compile with the free version:
Code:While true While FSR2ptr < lastservobufaddr ' FSR2 is RX servobuffer Do Loop Until PIR1.RCIF = 1 ' wait for new RX byte [COLOR="Red"];if an interrupt occurs here then the data ends up in the wrong order[/COLOR] POSTINC2 = RCREG ' load RX byte.. when 30 bytes move on Wend
Mike said:Warren,
Perfect 5 cycle timing, true or false. Well done.
wschroeder said:I was troubled by the same thoughts when I realized that the interrupt could occur at any point. The saving part is that the RCIF flag will not clear until the RX buffer is read and empty. Just in case, the ISR will finish the job....
Pommie said:However, if the interrupt occus where I indicated then a byte may get inserted twice, once by the ISR and later by the following statement. The only way to stop this (I can think of) is do disable interrupts.
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