But why you setting the stable bit? normally you wait or 'while' that bit isnt stable then the program starts, your setting it, not that i think it matters its just not how i do it.
Read the entire oscillator section, then have a think about this CONFIG1H, its mentioned in the OSC part of the datasheet, me thinks maybe that might be worth taking a peek at.
I am not giving you the answer, but i dont mind throwing you a few clues of what to check. Learn to read and understand one datasheet and the world of pics becomes yours.
Also tell me exactly what you have told the OSC register to do in words one bit at a time or several bits where needed.
If all else fails remember the secret to unlimited led flash rates, turn a pin on. then take the GND side of the led off, touch it to GND as fast or as slow as you like! the led flashes exactly as fast as you want!
Thats odd! only after posting did your code pop up!!
In SF do you set the clock speed by simply clock =8??
Is the WD off?
read the config section of the datasheet first, then the OSCON etc, read the DS in the order you need to execute the and set the code, miss nothing out unless you know from reading the DS its start up state is what you want
Download Foxit reader (free) use the search function for bits (pun intended) you dont understand. and read all the section on each part like the clock where it explains what some the bits your setting actually do, for example the bit that tells you if the clock is stable, you read this bit not write to it.
I am not saying this is your problem, i am telling you how to tackle the problem, what to watch out for, remember the chip is as thick as a brick and your better off treating it as such and tellng it exactly what you want, its not always done or needed but its best practice unless you really know the chip well.
JONSEA get ready to go slap yourself