Sorry I grabbed the wrong code. I have the INTOSC.BAS module in my code that I am using with all the bel;ls and whistles included. Have numerous snippets to test out different code variations.
ONE lot of code working first, understand the code and optimize it. In fact choose the most simple version and make sure it both works as intended, is as heavily commented as you can make it including exactly what each line does and which registers it affects.
THEN add
ONE modification to it and repeat the above. The idea isnt so much to fix your **** mousetrap, but to
LEARN what you are doing. A couple of big giveaways that you dont try and learn how to program, the first is the statement that you see X or Y in a lot of code. When you read someones code and intend to use it, read through it and draw out a flow diagram for it (only until you know what your doing), this will quickly identify stupid use of things like the else statement above.
Dont get me wrong i havnt a clue with SF, but the moment i find another USB for the junebug (dog has chewed mine lol) I will be learning and teaching my LS, or more likely she will teach me. She is a absolute natural at it (well C anyway), i a not sure if its her age as around her age the brain changes, but whatever it is she reads C code and just understands it the same way you understand a normal conversation, she dosnt understand data sheets which is where i come in.
But all I do is tell her what the reg or bit is called and what it for, and off she goes. Its the same with spoken language, she has 3 friends and they decided 8-9 weeks ago to learn to speak Spanish for fun, using you tube all of them can hold a decent conversation in Spanish!! 8 seems to be a golden age to learn, by 12 it dwindle off alot, i notice it in the club/class i run at her school. From 8 - 10/11 they soak information in and it sticks like concrete, by 12 they seem to struggle more.
Her dream is to be a fashion designer but she likes doing crafts and anything interesting, she just seems to enjoy new skills. She can drive the small tractor but my mum wont let me teach her to drive the landrover in our field