I have followed the following link to build myself a logic shifter to shift 3.3v to 5v and 5v to 3.3.
My 3.3v device is a raspberry pi 2b and arduino uno.
I have been told by engineers on another site that the pi may not be able to guarantee a minimum voltage of 3v for the arduino to register a logic high.
Hence why I need a logic shifter.
Is the way i have wired it correct?
It doesn't seem to work at all.
I have followed the following link to build myself a logic shifter to shift 3.3v to 5v and 5v to 3.3.

Logic level converter using Transistors
I am trying to make a logic level converter using transistor BC547. This is to convert Voltage level of Rpi Gpio from 3.3 to 5V. I have wired the circuit according to this diagram: I have done thi...
My 3.3v device is a raspberry pi 2b and arduino uno.
I have been told by engineers on another site that the pi may not be able to guarantee a minimum voltage of 3v for the arduino to register a logic high.
Hence why I need a logic shifter.
Is the way i have wired it correct?
It doesn't seem to work at all.