Maybe something to consider..........
Hi Folks. Been sort of following this thread, as I am a Model Rail enthusiast, who incedentally makes modules for the hobby commercially. Just a thought on the signal drivers, and use of relays and dim LEDs etc. etc. Quickly knocked up this idea which might be an idea for Angie to knock up and experiment with.
It is based around the common RS Latch built around a CMOS 4011 I.C.
The beauty about doing something around this basis, is that the circuit will latch (Set) and will only un-latch(Reset) when told to do so. The advantages of this is that you wont have problems with flickering LEDs from dirty track etc.
Eliminating the leds and the 620Ω resistors on the output, one could even drive relay coils instead of LEDs.
The circuit then has two spare NAND gates which can be used as an additional twin driver, or could be used as inverters i.e. as one LED turns on, another can turn off etc. I have taken the liberty of doing a schematic and a quick PCB layout, in mirrored and normal format. Angie, why don't you knock this up. Google one of the numerous articles on RS Flip Flops or Latches. If you need me to help on this, it would only be a pleasure.
On the subject of boards. I always prototype using Epson Photo Paper, printing to the whiter side with a Laser, and then ironing straight onto the (thouroughly cleaned with rubbing alhohol) copper. I also sometimes iron on the silk screen side in the same way. Hence I have given you a mirror image of this layer aswell.
If I can be of any help, let me know. Angie, if you need the schematics of my commercial detector, as well as the board layout, no problem. Just won't post it publically for obvious reasons.
Have a great day.