3 phase dc to ac inverter with IGBT transistors (and 120degrees shift)

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New Member
hello i need to do simulation of this circuit in PSPICE, i know the configuration of the 6 transistors, but i don't know how to apply gates and PWM circuit for controling the trasnsistors.

please help !
you mean DC to 3phase AC inverter...

make a waveform diagrams of what you need.

to generate them you need clock, counter and decoder. depending on resolution you need decoder can be simple gates or ROM.

for example, suppose we use base 6 counter and each waveform has pattern with:
two positive clock cycles,
off cycle,
two negative clock cycles,
off cycle (then repeat).

your decoder would need to drive 6 gates (IGBTs):

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thanks for the answer , but your way of solving this problem, i can use VPULSE on each gate of the Mosfets to toggle them in right way. i found another chip IR2110 or IR2330 series. may be using it , i will some kind of control.
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