I dont get most of your comments .. it is very simple ... there is no hills in my way .. it is flat road ... i m using 2 ebike hub .... one is driving and one is spinning as a generator .... the generator hub have low resistence ..... i ride it in as single hub as generator and then with both hubs ... it could ride smoothly as one while have some resistence with both ...will use for better spin a 1:2 ratio in radius of bike tires ....
Now before as a single hub driving, i just noticed that speed was high and range was normal as it is working with both hubs. When i add second hub as generater but not connected to batteries due to low voltage, the speed get affected become a little bit low but range was same .. then i add dc dc converter from generator hub to batteries ... and speed was same as low but range get extended ..
I cant use any other one alternative due to its resistence but did research before for purchasing hub and using as generator ... it is most suitable then others ..
Now it is my next target to make 1:2 ratio of rim radius to spin generator more speed and add some amp to batteries ...
My target is extend range, nor speed which is going well till now ..
I analysis every step and go forward ... i know it is going against some of comments but i m trying my best as practical to do it ...
For further source of amps, i will add solar panels into my trike when i will finish with bike ...
I need more and more range rather then speed in my projects ....