Hi there, further from my last post I have now assembled and wired the transformer project but I seem to be having issues.
I wired it exactly as I was told. Testing with multimeter gives me 37vs at the plug which is correct,
At my input socket on the panel I also get 37v across live and neutral when I plug the transformer in I then get no reading and no power going into the primary and no power at the secondary either, if I plug in the live only and leave the neutral connection free I get 37v across one wire and the other input prong on the plug but when both wires are in I get 0v.
I believe I wired it all correctly as I was told on here to do but confused and need help as to why this is.
Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
I’m all ears at the minute.
Attached is photos of the setup.
There is some damage on the transformer as seen below however I do not think the windings are touching nor is this a problem.