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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

3x3x3 LED Cube - can i use16f628 instead 16f690

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What are you wanting to do if I new I would help you out you what to turn the cube on or something
trully i'd like to use the cube as a customized light on my bike
i'll divide the leds
15 leds for the brake n 6 leds each for turn sign
i need 4 switch to do that
switch #1 is turn left sign
switch #2 is turn right sign
switch #3 is brake lamp
switch #4 to select which subroutine to use

for example...
hit the brake than the brake leds start running (it'll be the default)
push switch #4 than hit brake the brake leds start blinking
something similar with the turn sign leds
push switch #4 once again than all leds light make some subroutine

yes it might be something complicated for me to learn
but...i wanna learn this microcontroller long time ago
n i couldn't afford the microcontroller course
so i thought that this would give me spirit to do it
well...i already got some spirit when you...be80be answered all of my questions
n again...sorry for my bad english
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Here try this this is the code make a folder C:\ledcube and put the led.asm
then unzip the video I made and do it like I show you hope it helps.


  • LED.asm
    41.1 KB · Views: 671
    4.8 MB · Views: 712
You write code in assembly then turn it in to a hex if you look at the video in the
I think it will put some light on it
that's exactly what i've done...
but the result was failed...failed n failed...
after i read ur posts...
bam...i remember...
"Source file path exceeds 62 characters"
yes, man...
you gave me some spirit...
thank you

i'll try to recompile the asm again.
Post your code if don't get it to work use the code tags and maybe get that bike rolling
I am a bit confused on the Schematic....I only see one layer of LEDs. Can someone post an explanation of how the other layers are wired in?

I can't see Youtube or the video might be enough to help explain....thanks!
It's on the Schematic hard to put 27 leds on there. There three layers one layer for each transistor look real good at the right side of it.
top roll, center roll, bottom roll, You hook the anode to the 9 pins by stacking three rolls
on top of each one then the 3 cathode to the tree transistors
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Seems like one of those things that will make more sense when i build it. Does it get complex to expand it to be six sided? It would be cool to make a box with 6 sides, but seems like it would be a bit much to expect.
Post your code if don't get it to work use the code tags and maybe get that bike rolling

the asm you've sent me isn't working
so i used the hex that works before
i convert it to asm, change it with mplab
here it is:

MOVLW 0x07
BSF STATUS,RP0 ; !!Bank Register-Bank(0/1)-Select
MOVWF PORTA ; set bit 0, 1 and 3 in porta as input
clrf PORTB

btfss PORTA, 0
call LADR_0x05DE
btfsc PORTA, 0
clrf PORTB
btfss PORTA, 1
call LADR_0x0571
btfsc PORTA, 1
clrf PORTB
btfss PORTA, 3
call LADR_0x0357
btfsc PORTA, 3
clrf PORTB

goto LADR_0x076A


i put a 1K resistor at each input in portA (RA0, RA1 and RA3)
and 10K resistor at Vcc
it works but it only stop until the subroutine has done
is it the code (clrf PORTB)?
what is the code to use so it will stop right after i release the push button?
For starters a switch start or stops some thing so if it starts it not going to stop till it done
and to make it stop you have to interrupt it so you have to use interrupts to do what you want. And i can't see why you couldn't build from the asm I posted. But you can disassemble a hex. which is no good to use because it not all of it. I'm not trying to be bad but you wasting your time learn how to write code have fun with code like the 3x3x3 but learn to write code. hook up some leds and a switch or two and write some code to see how it works then go back to this and make it do what you want. A pic is not like a computer it dos one thing at a time if it polls for a switch thats what it keeps doing till it happens then it dos what you tell it to do when that is done it come back to where it was which was checking for the switch to be pressed.
computers also

... A pic is not like a computer it dos one thing at a time...

Computers also do things one at a time.
A pic is not able to multitasking like my duel amd 64 can and no where as fast. But that not
what I telling him He want's to change code that starts a big loop and here no end to the loop so if you want to stop it in the middle you will have to use interrupts. It would be hard
to use a "btfcs" and "btfss" to start and stop three page loop when you want it to with out interrupts. Once the loop starts. You could poll the switch first run the loop once and poll the switch. But that would not work good
For starters a switch start or stops some thing so if it starts it not going to stop till it done
and to make it stop you have to interrupt it so you have to use interrupts to do what you want. And i can't see why you couldn't build from the asm I posted. But you can disassemble a hex. which is no good to use because it not all of it. I'm not trying to be bad but you wasting your time learn how to write code have fun with code like the 3x3x3 but learn to write code. hook up some leds and a switch or two and write some code to see how it works then go back to this and make it do what you want. A pic is not like a computer it dos one thing at a time if it polls for a switch thats what it keeps doing till it happens then it dos what you tell it to do when that is done it come back to where it was which was checking for the switch to be pressed.

got it sir...
i see your point...
i put the switches right after i read part of the lesson for reading switches you've sent me.
i intended to finish the reading so i could write the code by myself.
i'll get back to you for the result.
you're a great master be80be, it's a big step to me for i realy2 zero about assembly. Big big thanks to you.
Hello i have try that cube but i can't control layer per layer am i wrong in schema ? but i have checked many times i have no wrong... but still i can't control single led or layer per layer if i turn on layer bottom is right but if i turn on RA6 layer RA5 and RA6 turn on so if i turn on RA7 then RA5,6,7 turn on ...what wrong can u help me ???
thanks Be i have try many times as ur advice it's working but when i try to change source code to build myself i wanna control led one by one layer by layer it can't work since i am a new bie in asm in pic programming can u send me example of source code that control layer by layer...? i try to write code but if i turn on layer RA5 it's oke but when i turn on layer RA6 so RA6 and RA5 led turn on together ??? why ?
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