4017 sequencer for oscillator?

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I have a 4017 8 step sequencer, a 555 timer for the clock, a voltage controlled oscillator (tl072 op amp) and an audio amplier (tea2025b). Each is individually breadboarded on its own breadboard. When the oscillator is connected to the amplifier I hear a sound, How do I sequence that sound into 8 steps? Ive read every article I could find on this subject and Im afraid Im missing a key point. The end result should be something like this

oscillator + sequencer + audio amplifier = 8 step synthesizer sequencer? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTz_mcBOnE&feature=related
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Take each of the 8 outputs from the 4017 into 8 different pots. Take the wiper of each pot through 8 diodes to the input of your VCO.

And, since the 4017 has ten outputs, why not use all of them?

OR make it even more versatile by having a rotary switch that lets you change the reset point of the 4017. That way you can have anywhere from 1 to 10 steps.
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