4026 CMOS Chip

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I am using the CMOS 4026 chip to drive a 7-segment display for a clock I'm making. I have one chip for each digit (6 in total: 2 for secs, 2 for mins and 2 for hrs).

The chips are labelled as so:

Digit: HH:MM:SS
Label: AB CD EF

The F chip will be clocked once per second. How can I make it clock chip E when it reaches 0? Also, how do I make chip E reset *and* clock chip D when it reaches 6?

Is what I'm asking possible or is there a much simpler method and I'm just being a bit dumb? :S


Have you got the datasheet for a 4026.? I cant identify it.

EDIT: Found it.

To clock E from F use the 'carry out' signal from F as the clock for E.
For the '6' count use a 'AND' gate to detect a count of '6' on E and the output of the gate to reset E [itself]
This reset pulse is also used to clock D
Do you follow OK.?
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