4558D amp ??

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I have a very basic 455D amp circuit, pretty much built from the spec sheet, its about as simple as you can get. Can the output of the 4558D go directly into the AUX input of a recorder??
Thanks a lot guys for your response, I appreciate it, in advance.
Assuming the signal level is correct, then yes - depending on the exact circuit in use, and the exact circuit of the Aux input.

It's just a bog standard dual opamp.
1. Schematic?

2. Power source(s) for the circuit?

3. What type of recorder? Specifically, professional or consumer grade?

The signal levels for a "0 Vu" input are quite different. Depending on the power supply voltage(s), the output signal could be clipped.

A 1458 is a dual lousy old 741 opamp.
The 4558 dual opamp was developed 47 years ago as an improved 741 dual opamp. It has a fairly low noise level and a 30kHz output at a gain up to only 100 times.
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