I am sorry for being unclear, this is my first thread here and Radio Frequency technologies are my weak spot.
My signal source is going to be a signal generator, i will generate the desired signal from there and I will analyze it with an antenna analyzer.
But you are definitely right 1kHz is not rf I just wrote it wrong my top frequency is 1GHz.
This is the given spesification for my project.
'Design and build a dummy load with 50 ohm impedance for the interval of 100-1000 MHz. The load shall
here have a power rating for of at least 5 W in continuous mode, and have a measurement connector for fortnite merch to connect to instruments. The signal strength in this connector should not exceed -10 dBm'
And due to Covid-19 it is not possible for me to go to University and test my device so unfortunately it is has to be just a theoretical project.