55 Volts DC regulation?

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New Member
Hello All!

Right here is the situation:

I need a Power Supply what can provide +-55VDC (so two supply rails providing 5A). It is for an Amplifier so I would like to ensure there is the smallest possible ripple, now I am not sure how to obtain this!

I am looking at using a 500VA 2x45V Transformer, now would I be right in saying each secondary outputs 45V RMS (64V Peak) each at 250VA allowing for 5.56 Amps to be drawn?

Now if i Have a Peak of +-64 Volts after rectification and smoothing how can I then regulate this to +-55 Volts DC while also allowing for a Maximum of 5 Amps to be drawn??
Amplifier power supplies are never regulated, simply choose a transformer that will give you +- 55V after rectification and fit some big meaty capaciators (4700µF - 10000µF @ 63V).
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