555 timer delay pulse output

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New Member
Hello, Need help with a 555 timer circut ... I need a 555 timer to be trigered on by a momentary switch that starts the timer that is wired to a no relay the relay need to stay open till a time of 4sec passes then it needs to just close and reopen it is not to stay closed just triger the relay on and then the relay should open back up can this be done witt a 555 timer regards john
still can't find a circuit

im still lost here the 555 needs to be triggered by a momtary switch then start the timer then after 4 sec. pull the relay in and then let go only just closing the relay for a second or so
You will probably need two 555 timers--One controls the other. It shouldn't be too difficult to find the right circuit.
im still lost here the 555 needs to be triggered by a momtary switch then start the timer then after 4 sec. pull the relay in and then let go only just closing the relay for a second or so

This circuit was posted recently for 1sec and 10secs, I have altered the timing components.to 4 sec and 2sec.

Use the 2sec output , using a transistor to drive the relay..OK.?
added a clearer plot...


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Nice post Eric
you should have included a relay driver circuit (resistor, transistor and relay specs needed.)
Oh yea a diode across the relay coil.
I need to get back to using LT SPICE
what is the include?
Have seen before but not sure??
Nice post Eric
you should have included a relay driver circuit (resistor, transistor and relay specs needed.)
Oh yea a diode across the relay coil.
I need to get back to using LT SPICE
what is the include?
Have seen before but not sure??

hi DEB,
We must leave the OP something to do..

The include is dview.lib it comes in two flavours, a 5 and a 10 channel.

It enables the plotting of upto 10 traces , spaced one below the other, making digital plots easier to follow. Of course the Vertical scale is meaningless.

The dview can be downloaded from the Yahoo LTspice user group site.

added the dual mono.asc , get the dview first.


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im in over my head

Thanks to all for your help but im in over my head here is there a way to get this circut
in a PDF and have a out put to a relay ???
Thanks to all for your help but im in over my head here is there a way to get this circut
in a PDF and have a out put to a relay ???

Here you go, added relay.
I am showing two 12V supplies as I dont know how you plan to power the circuit.???

Why must it be pdf.??


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